The Daily Nugg,

Favorite time to smoke

  • Morning

    Votes: 70 24.3%
  • Afternoon

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • Nighttime

    Votes: 68 23.6%
  • Naked while yelling at strangers

    Votes: 124 43.1%

  • Total voters
My sis has been watching a cannabis cooking show a lot lately. I've sat down a few times and watched. Taking care of the munchies and getting high.


Mrs. MMG made amazing banana nut muffins with our coconut oil this time. She tried not squeezing the cheesecloth out too much into the mix this time to reduce impurities and the high is much cleaner. Still very much full body and head buzz but super smooth effect. With the last of the material wrung out of the cheesecloth last time it seemed much more nervous experience.

I try to include the trim and small or loose buds of at least 3 different plants for a wide variety of canabanoids. I feel that is also what has helped eliminate the girls internal cysts. In other natural medicines it is good to “spam” the illness with more possibly healing elements basically hoping one of them takes effect. I think the larger variety of strains/crosses increased her body’s response to the healing effects.

Plus they are delicious. I will have to take a pic. The girl can bake.
He's got a mop going for sure grandma Annie. I don't want to cut it. I remember cutting lil Indas the first time and my baby was gone forever. Now he's finding 100$ bills and negotiating rides to ToysRUs. He says: Dad, they're going out of business. We have to jump on the deals. Lol
That is quite the hair. My son is long overdue for his first haircut but once it happens my wife is gonna break out her photos and start sobbing about how fast he's growing up. And to be honest I might too lol
I'm tackling potty training as we speak. Not me I can use the big boy potty just fine thank you very much :lol: I see the light at the end of the tunnel though. I don't do the math on how much we spend on diapers because it's too depressing for me lol

Oh I have all that to look forward to again. I remember my older boy hanging his ass out of the shower and taking a dump on the floor. He said it was because I told him not to poop in the tub/

Fun times
Oh I have all that to look forward to again. I remember my older boy hanging his ass out of the shower and taking a dump on the floor. He said it was because I told him not to poop in the tub/

Fun times
I remember those discussions and you wonder how they got that from what you said. It was an interesting peek into their thinking. I highly recommend Piaget's, The Child's Conception of Time. It looks at their development of cognitive structures.
I'm tackling potty training as we speak. Not me I can use the big boy potty just fine thank you very much :lol: I see the light at the end of the tunnel though. I don't do the math on how much we spend on diapers because it's too depressing for me lol
My wife tells the story of training her youngest.

She had been patiently trying to train him and just when he had shown that
he knew what was up he would shit himself again. On purpose it seemed, maybe
just because he wanted the personal moma attention, who knows.

The last time he filled his diaper she took him outside, striped him down and
turned the garden hose on him. It was early spring so not actually cold but still cool
enough to get his attention. Yep. That was the last time he filled his diaper.:)
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I remember those discussions and you wonder how they got that from what you said. It was an interesting peek into their thinking. I highly recommend Piaget's, The Child's Conception of Time. It looks at their development of cognitive structures.

I left out a few key parts. So in his defense..... I told him when he was little not to poop in the tub....He had sent a floater when he was small...I also always told him to stand on the shower/bath mat after baths so the floor doesn't get super wet and slippery...... When I saw that he dropped a deuce on the floor and asked why he did that. He actually said, because I told him not to get the floor all wet and not to poop in the shower/bath.... So how could I scorn him for basically doing exactly what I asked him. I did add one more rule after that. He has to go potty before bath time

But he was honestly very quick at potty training. I have a feeling il be paid back for all my shenanigans with chunker though. The kid is crazy Annie....adorable, but he's huge and crazy AF.
So I thought we would be having a granddaughter delivered today, at least that's what they said about 2-3 weeks ago. But Friday at the appointment her Dr said the 15th, which was a little surprising because she is gynormous . The Dr took a bunch of measurements and said the baby weighs 9lb2oz already and is expected to weigh 10.5-11# by the 15th. Ohh my.......

@Indacouch this is my son's second child ( the one that looked like Chunker when he was a baby ) , so it makes sense that his kid would be a rolly polly . How big was Chunker at birth ( he's so cute )?
.....snip.....The kid is crazy Annie....adorable, but he's huge and crazy AF.
LOL did your parent's ever say I hope you have three just like you? he he he

So I thought we would be having a granddaughter delivered today, at least that's what they said about 2-3 weeks ago. But Friday at the appointment her Dr said the 15th, which was a little surprising because she is gynormous . The Dr took a bunch of measurements and said the baby weighs 9lb2oz already and is expected to weigh 10.5-11# by the 15th. Ohh my.......

@Indacouch this is my son's second child ( the one that looked like Chunker when he was a baby ) , so it makes sense that his kid would be a rolly polly . How big was Chunker at birth ( he's so cute )?
Oh my!!
So I thought we would be having a granddaughter delivered today, at least that's what they said about 2-3 weeks ago. But Friday at the appointment her Dr said the 15th, which was a little surprising because she is gynormous . The Dr took a bunch of measurements and said the baby weighs 9lb2oz already and is expected to weigh 10.5-11# by the 15th. Ohh my.......

@Indacouch this is my son's second child ( the one that looked like Chunker when he was a baby ) , so it makes sense that his kid would be a rolly polly . How big was Chunker at birth ( he's so cute )?
My kids were a few months old before they hit 11# lol. None of mine were over 7#
My wife tells the story of training her youngest.

She had been patiently trying to train him and just when he had shown that
he knew what was up he would shit himself again. On purpose it seemed, maybe
just because he wanted the personal moma attention, who knows.

The last time he filled his diaper she took him outside, striped him down and
turned the garden hose on him. It was early spring so not actually cold but still cool
enough to get his attention. Yep. That was the last time he filled his diaper.:)
Lol. I had to do that last spring. In was at the grocery store with the kids. My middle boy says he has to go to the bathroom. I said ok and he went. He came back and didnt say a word.

One of my other kids said they smelled crap. I looked at my boy and liquid poo is running down his legs. I asked why and he told me the bathroom was locked. I asked him why he didn't say anything.

I had no clothes for him. I had to put paper towels inn the car for him to sit on.

Got home and turned the hose on him. It was bad. It was everywhere.
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So I thought we would be having a granddaughter delivered today, at least that's what they said about 2-3 weeks ago. But Friday at the appointment her Dr said the 15th, which was a little surprising because she is gynormous . The Dr took a bunch of measurements and said the baby weighs 9lb2oz already and is expected to weigh 10.5-11# by the 15th. Ohh my.......

@Indacouch this is my son's second child ( the one that looked like Chunker when he was a baby ) , so it makes sense that his kid would be a rolly polly . How big was Chunker at birth ( he's so cute )?

He was 7lbs 8ounces when he was born......just a tiny little he's a giant monster baby ....already wearing some of his brothers 5yr old T's to bed.....and unbelievably strong. He's made his 6 year old brother cry by grabbing his hair or swinging on him don't let him play hitting games with me anymore. He doesn't know his own strength.

Between me and you.... I do play rough when brothers at school sometimes. Then when he smacks someone. I pretend to look just as surprised as momma.