The Daily Nugg,

Favorite time to smoke

  • Morning

    Votes: 70 24.3%
  • Afternoon

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • Nighttime

    Votes: 68 23.6%
  • Naked while yelling at strangers

    Votes: 124 43.1%

  • Total voters
@BudmanTX do they still habe the Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Sunday @ DQ in TX? Long gone from CO not even on secret menu anymore.

TX DQ is different its like they have a secret recipe.

the answer to your question is yes they still have them on sunday's, you can still order them during the week but it's under special request only. They have some new reciepes too which are good as well.......M&M's yum.....

one of my friends is a manager of one in the city, he's cool though, loves to par-take n a since, so one night we got together at his store after hours and played with edibles in that was fun....
I worked in health and safety and cant tell you the number of times my recomendations were either wholy ignored or fiscally impractical for a small business owners. The victories were few and far between and I can be pretty harsh so I'm relieved this was not an injury sustaind as a result of him owning his own business because I understand those difficulties too.
OSHA was a joke before the current administration and will continue to be a joke in the future, they are ineffectife in passing regulation and the penalty process is a joke. Employers will pay more for environmental damage than taking a human life. Kicker if you didnt know - government entities are not required to follow osha. There were very few people that actually ever wanted my help so I got jaded and left.


Where I worked (a multinational metals company), there were OSHA posters on the bulletin boards with everything you need to report an incident.

We reported shit. OSHA would call the safety dept. and ask about it. Then they would tell the safety people to fix it and report back to OSHA.

It was a joke until somebody got killed one day. Then they (OSHA) sent a couple guys. And they accepted the company's version of what happened.

It was total bullshit. But they all signed off on it and left.
i hear shit in white noise...i don't know if that's a form of deafness or not, but its weird sometimes. the ac is a big old unit, and it makes all kinds of wheezes and groans and ticks...and i hear music in it....clear enough that i've gotten up to look outside to see who was playing music at 3 am in my driveway....and lots of people talking at once just sounds like a bunch of ducks quacking to me...really...a trip to the mall sounds like 1000 ducks, with muzack in the background

This is exactly what it is like for me too.

I can't hear anything in a bar, I have no clue as to what I have nodded and agreed to.
Check this out.....These are two stray cats that hang around the ranch. I've never seen them together. But today it's really cold and windy/rainy here......They are sleeping in an old Smart pot together ......literally on top of each other. At first I thought it was one cat ....closer inspection and


Looks like they're warm and dry. As long as they keep the mice in check. They can stay.......oh, and shit in the field .....not by the far so good.
This is exactly what it is like for me too.
I can't hear anything in a bar, I have no clue as to what I have nodded and agreed to.

Yep - can't hardly make out a coherent word in a noisy public place but trying to sleep while Mrs. GWN watches the tube with the volume almost off won't work - I can hear those voices clear as a bell.:fire: