The Daily Nugg,

Favorite time to smoke

  • Morning

    Votes: 70 24.3%
  • Afternoon

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • Nighttime

    Votes: 68 23.6%
  • Naked while yelling at strangers

    Votes: 124 43.1%

  • Total voters
My son has an internal alarm clock set for 7 o clock. It must be an early version as I've found no way to switch it off on weekends or get it to sync to daylight savings :sleep:

saturday's since i work, i have a alarm clock......sunday, screw that damn clock....i'm sleeping in....

guess it comes with age, when i was little i used to wake a 6am, now over the period of time i look at the damn clock and wonder why i have it.....then i realize i have to pay the bills somehow......but sunday...that clock get thrown under the bed so i don't see's wakey bakey time for me till the wife wakes up....
It's like 9 o clock, bro. You going to sleep already? Wake up!

Bro I use to be a night owl. Then my first boy was born and I turned into an old fart. I can't even believe it myself sometimes. Most my buddies don't have kids. They know not to come by or hit me up and expect an answer past 7pm on weekdays. If they do text or call me while I'm asleep. I just reply when I get up at 4.

I actually enjoy watching the sun come up in the morning. I'm usually driving or in a gorgeous area of Chinafornia....I've also realized I get more done from 6am to 12 than I do the rest of the being an old fart that beds down early has it's perks.

Don't be fooled...I use to party hard. I did enough partying and crazy shit as a youngster.....enough for two peoples lifetimes at least..... These youngsters these days are soft. Fuckin pussies.

Says the guy going to bed before sun down.
saturday's since i work, i have a alarm clock......sunday, screw that damn clock....i'm sleeping in....

guess it comes with age, when i was little i used to wake a 6am, now over the period of time i look at the damn clock and wonder why i have it.....then i realize i have to pay the bills somehow......but sunday...that clock get thrown under the bed so i don't see's wakey bakey time for me till the wife wakes up....

I wake up at 7 with no alarm (thanks military! glad it isn't 5am anymore cause that happened for about 8 months). At least once every two weeks I wake up at 4-5am with no alarm. I enjoy waking up early, the kids are asleep and it's the perfect time for me to really focus on things that require my full attention, like studying or programming or something. OR playing video games without having to worry about kids trying to get into stuff. Plus then by the time my wife wakes up I already have a half a pot of coffee in me muahahahaha

I wake up at 7 with no alarm (thanks military! glad it isn't 5am anymore cause that happened for about 8 months). At least once every two weeks I wake up at 4-5am with no alarm. I enjoy waking up early, the kids are asleep and it's the perfect time for me to really focus on things that require my full attention, like studying or programming or something. OR playing video games without having to worry about kids trying to get into stuff. Plus then by the time my wife wakes up I already have a half a pot of coffee in me muahahahaha


Me and lil Inda got up at 9am ....but I've been awake watching tv in bed since 6:45 ....that's sleeping in for my body Smh

10 years ago me and momma would have just been getting home to go to bed.
My son has an internal alarm clock set for 7 o clock. It must be an early version as I've found no way to switch it off on weekends or get it to sync to daylight savings :sleep:
Hopefully he will acclimate to reality.

My dad has always believed in the practice of "Early to rise".
His clock has always been 5:00 am. Weekdays or weekend, makes no difference.
And he believes if he is up then there is a problem with you if you are not.

I love my dad but I will be the first to tell you he is sometimes an ass.
I'll say the same to him too but I have to be a bit more PC and poetic when I do.;-)

oh, he is 80.
I honestly couldn’t tell you. I’ve never been one to pay much attention to strains before starting this, just effects. Although I’m def more interested now.
I have to say I’m blown away by how this has turned out. Smells a-mazing, is soo smooth to smoke, and gives me a bubbly, energetic type high (talk non stop!)
It’s not that I doubted myself but I certainly wasn’t expecting something Id love this much for sure!