The Damn sour problem....HELP PLEASE


SO guys I've posted this before and my girl is still doing the same strange stuff..... 20120212149.jpg20120214152.jpg20120212150.jpg My water is 6,0-6,5 My soil is 6,8-7.....The only nutes I gave it had NPK 2:1:1 Anyone know what's the problem?


Active Member
Well i am not sure what kind of defficiancy but it definately looks like some kind of deficiency. Check around the marijuana problems threads for a description of the deficiencys, i know i saw one there before:dunce: good luck

kouki monster

Active Member
Whoaa looks like a combination of over watering and some sort of deficiency.

Are you allowing her to dry up before feedings? I don't have much experience with soil, given that it carries a significant amount of nutrients when you first get it I wouldn't know exactly where to start but I can try my best to help you.

How long has she been in that soil? What kind of soil is it? Also are you giving cal-mag? Those "rust" spots is usually indication of magnesium deficiency.


Maybe I watered her too much the last time.... the curly leaves showed up a few days ago... She's been in that soil from the start. She seems to be growing fine... So I'll just wait till she dries out then . Thanks for the answers guys.


Yeah so maybe the leaves are clawed because of over-watering, but what about the new growth, why is it always a much light green color, then it evolves to something darker as it gets bigger though it still has some yellow marks on it. I think I checked most of the defficiencies, cant seem to find out what the problem is...20120215157.jpg20120215156.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would agree with the other posts....let the soil dry and re evaluate your situation from there.


Well-Known Member
overwatering and nute burn, flush(with distilled water, rainwater or something w/o chemical nutrients) 2 times the volume of its pot and poke holes in the sides and make tunnels for the roots to get air. and if you want let a fan blow towards the pot so the roots can get more air and hopefully recover.


Well its deff overwatered, thats for sure. Also looks like it could be a zinc deficiency or a combo of a couple macro nutrient deficiencies. Possibly from a salt build-up due to over watering/over feeding. Do you feed molasses?


Well-Known Member
if you dont poke holes in the sides and let air get to the roots the flush will work against you, possible killing or putting you weeks behind, and do it asap because the leaves will only get worse.


Yeah I'm using CFL's, the growing of the plant seems fine, never thought it could go much much worse. I have no molasses though Im gonna make the holes and flush it a bit later when it dries out. Thanks for the help guys. Anything else I should know about?:D


Okay so now I'm most certain it's Zinc deficiency .... it seems that it's cause by a high pH my isn't so high, but it seems it was enough to start this.... So now I need your help guys... how do I solve this zinc problem? :S EDIT: OR IS IT IRON DEF?!?!
I've started LST, it's growing fast and nice, though the colors aint pretty for my eye so I really want to solve this.... 20120217163.jpg20120217164.jpg20120217166.jpg Help will be really appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Whats your soil? And nutes? And you said Soil ph was 6*7*8? It did look like you overwatered on first page pics. But don't go flushing 2x amount of water through it. You will really have problems even if you poke holes. It seems pretty early to have these zinc or iron def so early unless you have really shitty soil.


Haha, the country I live in is indeed shitty, so the soil might be shitty, the nutes might be shitty :D I only used like a 2.5ml nutes one time that only had 2:1:1 NPK . I didn't flush it, i transplatted it into a bigger pot since I saw the root were getting outside the pot I used.... On my soil says it's 5,5-6,5 my meter shows it's 6,5-7.... I read that zinc, iron, copper, boron problems start when the pH is high, maybe mine is too high and it doesn't absorb any the macro elements she needs


Well-Known Member
Are you using one of those ph probe testers for soil if so chuck that thing in the garbage unless you have a expensive one. Are ph adjusting your water to 6.0-6.5.? The bigger pots should help. Its helps to know what nutes you put in or if you amended your soil with anything. Details will help.