the Dank & Stew grow!!


Well-Known Member
My favorite growing dynamic duo. I see no updates in the passed couple of days? Let's see how they're doing!

Dank, I love the roots organics line. You probably will too, I'm interested to hear your feedback, those are the only nutes I've ever used.

Also, just a fwiw, I tried to pop my super silver haze x critical, my blue dream, and my sour diesel #2 and they each sprouted taproots and then just stopped growing. I need to check them again today but I am going to cry if I lose those 3 seeds!!! I had saved the best for last!


Well-Known Member
Nice, I see they're working on some third node action! I'll have to check out your own thread and see how the babies are doing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, where my Mother ended up passing away, it threw my game off bro. But I'm back. & kicked out 3 updates yesterday on my grow thread.. :mrgreen:
Will also update the Sx1's today for everyone. Glad to see that you are interested though. Yeah, on the Organic nutrients, I have to say the ladies are loving it! Never any kind of deficiency to worry about. However I switch back and forth between a few with the different sets of ladies, using Organic halfway, then flush, then go back with Synthetic.

I also like using the Organic "GO" line, due to the fact you don't have to flush for a long period of time come harvest time.. ;)
My favorite growing dynamic duo. I see no updates in the passed couple of days? Let's see how they're doing!

Dank, I love the roots organics line. You probably will too, I'm interested to hear your feedback, those are the only nutes I've ever used.

Also, just a fwiw, I tried to pop my super silver haze x critical, my blue dream, and my sour diesel #2 and they each sprouted taproots and then just stopped growing. I need to check them again today but I am going to cry if I lose those 3 seeds!!! I had saved the best for last!


Well-Known Member
Sweet!! Man, no one can blame you for having your game thrown off. I don't know what I would do if I was in your position, but I do know one thing-- you're stronger than I am, BC steel cannot be forged without fire, and brother you're going through it, and still seem to have that great dank attitude lol.

I am, however, looking forward to the updates (no pressure, right? Lol). You and stew are a couple of the only grows that I actually follow, not jut scope out and never come back. The side by side grow you guys are doing was a good idea; its always interested me how two guys can grow the same bud, and their own personal style/techniques/environment can cause them to look so different. I'm always down for experiments, comparisons, a chance to learn--whatever, ya know?

Anyways, I got some work to do in my grow room. I still feel like such a noob, BC I still get a giddy feeling inside when I say "MY grow room" lol. Oh yeah. Feels good.

Now lemme see these updates lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. Means a lot.. ;) Hang tight I'm on the rd right now, once I get home I will update..

Sweet!! Man, no one can blame you for having your game thrown off. I don't know what I would do if I was in your position, but I do know one thing-- you're stronger than I am, BC steel cannot be forged without fire, and brother you're going through it, and still seem to have that great dank attitude lol.

I am, however, looking forward to the updates (no pressure, right? Lol). You and stew are a couple of the only grows that I actually follow, not jut scope out and never come back. The side by side grow you guys are doing was a good idea; its always interested me how two guys can grow the same bud, and their own personal style/techniques/environment can cause them to look so different. I'm always down for experiments, comparisons, a chance to learn--whatever, ya know?

Anyways, I got some work to do in my grow room. I still feel like such a noob, BC I still get a giddy feeling inside when I say "MY grow room" lol. Oh yeah. Feels good.

Now lemme see these updates lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry it me a few days 2 get everything caught up. What I've noticed with these Sx1's is they veg slow! But from what I can tell thus far is there healthy, already smelling good, and like (N)!! :mrgreen:
I will update again here in another day or so..

* Note * 2 out of the 4 I had started made it. So its #1 & #2.



Well-Known Member
next week they will take off. should only required 2-3 weeks veg. I plan to flip the tent on 10/1


Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking. 2 to 3 weeks of vegging. So your flipping the Sx1 on 10/01 :??: cause hell, I was thinking another week, then flip these. But if your wanting to veg longer that's cool.. Just let me know the day you do want to flip, then will flower at the same exact time. ;) Yeah,
next week they will take off. should only required 2-3 weeks veg. I plan to flip the tent on 10/1


Well-Known Member
Ok fella's. Here the Sx1 #1 and #2. Went ahead and repalnted into a smaller container insted of the solo cups. Then plan on replanting again into either 1 gln or 3 gln containers for flowering. Will see.

Hope everyone enjoys the update.




Well-Known Member
I've got only one place to flower/veg at the moment. unless i put them with the males. which i don't plan on..
What is your container size? i'm transplanting today but don't wanna go too big.


Well-Known Member
I need to copy dank. i think he's in 1 gallon. which i will be doing in a few. just transplanted 12 plants. maybe more. lol.. got a few left. then pics. :)


Well-Known Member
solo for seedling, 1gallon for veg, 3 gallon for flower.
i think he's almost ready for flower. so i may just skip the 1 gallon to let the roots stretch out good for the flip in 3 weeks.

I can't flip till my auto's are done. or at least the big one.
I don;t care about winning the SOLO contest. just being in it is good. lol
So it's not going to matter if i don't get yields off 2 solo cups. as long as i get my seeds i am happy. :)
Yields will be with EVERYTHING ELSE! lol


Well-Known Member
I've got only one place to flower/veg at the moment. unless i put them with the males. which i don't plan on..
What is your container size? i'm transplanting today but don't wanna go too big.
Well, I took them out of those damn solo cups and put them into those little plantes that I would say half pint. Maybe less. But 4 flowering I plan on putting them in either 1gln, maybe 3. I will have 2 make my mind up by then.. lol