The dank team 420 orders

I feel ya. The freebies are nice, but I think it's the breeders for the most part that are fronting the freebies. I don't think the seed sellers have to take a loss there.

The promo I'm referring to was just a discount. 25% off or something like that. To me it's kinda stupid to dick around with promo codes. That just opens the door to BS like I experienced. If you're gonna run a promo why not just say "25% off everything all weekend, starting at xx time, and ending at xx time." Simple, and doesn't create scenarios where games can be played like this.

For sure. I can't see myself sending another nickel across the pond. There's a bunch of American banks popping up now though, so I can still shop domestically and not deal with the American banks that are shady. I won't shop at SVOC either as you never know what's in stock and if you'll get the beans you want or not. Great Lakes Genetics, James Bean, Oregon Elite, and the new Belle Isle Bean Bank are the ones I'm sticking with for now. I might give Sour Patch a go too at some point.
Svoc has pulled some shenanigans?
I assume he's referring to their lack of updated stock. Seems they'll keep popular ones in stock so you send money and then say "oops sorry it's out" so you buy something else with money you already mailed.
That's why I steer away from banks like that. Them and sour patch is the same way. Site never updated at all. Believe it or not that's how they sell most shit people don't want like that.