THE DAY HAS COME.....GROW Room Setup and GERMN Seeds..


Well-Known Member
OK Today is the day ive been waiting for everything has finally arrived. My seeds are here my lights...Im getting my soil and Mylar and Pots today...

Im going to post Pics of my Grow closet....I plan to Try to Germ like 5 plants of Papaya and 1 G-13 Haze plant since its Fem...Im shooting for 3 Females total since my space is limited....

Im growing in Large pots from the begining to save from having to re growing in Fox Farm soil...and will be using fox farm nuts when its time...Ive heard nothing but good things about them so i think thats what im going to go with my first grow but im open to other suggestions

Im using a 400w Mh bulb and a 400w HPS bulb...

umm.....i think thats it for right now i'll be posting other pics when everthing is more complete...

Thankx in advance for comments and or advice....