The Deal with Auto Flowers???


Well-Known Member
:weed:Hey RIU community,,

Hey I have some auto flowering sweet dwarf seeds...
and the more I think about it the more I can't see the point..
Not to be dissing auto's or those who prefer them but could some one please explain why the may be preferd choice of seed? Is it so you dont have to change the photo period? or is it to ensure a time limeted harvest....

This may of been asked before but I just want to know some peoples opions on auto's..
and why they may prefer them or reason to like them over normal photo period seed,, or what ever the proper name is.....

Thanks for the time everyone.... take it easy..........


Well-Known Member
A far as I'm concerned they're only "ideal" for people in 50+ Northern latitudes (or Southern too. I guess) They can start blooming in June when there's 18 hours of sunshine and finish before the fall frosts and heavy humidity that causes mold start giving regular growers nightmares. Also they mature before the cops start sending out the choppers too find the grows.


Well-Known Member
Hey frmrboi,, thanks for the info,, so its more for outdoors you say....

well thanks for the info about the auto's. I can kinda see why, thanks again.


Active Member
i like to run them because where i live the power goes out frequently and it doesnt mess with them as much if the photoperiod gets screwed with.