The Decline Of Religion

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I was chatting with my mother the other day about religion and things and she said , when she was younger , nearly every familly on our street would go to church every sunday , at present there isnt any familly on our street that goes to church , and we are sure its the same all over the uk .
Why is this ? my guess is that people are getting smarter and less gullible , and no longer need religious instruction to live a fullfilled life , its like my mother said , her dad was very religious and respected and obeyed the christian god all his life , yet he died a horrific death due to cancer , why would god allow this to happen to him ? she said that was when she started to question the existance of god .
What are your thoughts on the decline of religion ?
The advancement of technology is the cause I believe. We are in a time where we no longer have to make up reasons for things we don't understand, and I think for the first time in our history questions actually have deepth and meaning behind them.
yes thats very true .
people thought witches were real once infact it was 1712 the last witch was hung in england .imagine taking someone to court in 2011 accusing them of being a witch cause they loooked funny at your heard of sheep and one of them died 3 days later lol its amasing how peoples veiws change .
Yeah the religious population is decreasing.
Why did god allow that to happen? Well I don't know I'm not god.
But keep in mind that god didn't have to give him life to begin with....
I was chatting with my mother the other day about religion and things and she said , when she was younger , nearly every familly on our street would go to church every sunday , at present there isnt any familly on our street that goes to church , and we are sure its the same all over the uk .
Why is this ? my guess is that people are getting smarter and less gullible , and no longer need religious instruction to live a fullfilled life , its like my mother said , her dad was very religious and respected and obeyed the christian god all his life , yet he died a horrific death due to cancer , why would god allow this to happen to him ? she said that was when she started to question the existance of god .
What are your thoughts on the decline of religion ?
well, SatHigh, I commend you on your quest in search of faith for yourself, You gotta have atleast 3 threads bout God ..
Read what dude said about Wikipedia, the easiest "encyclopedia" on the internet. Falling away from the church is normal. Government helps a lot, we are taught that fapping away to internet porn (masturbation) is healthy for the body in comparison to just keeping the semen inside, that gays are "born that way", that Area 51 is hiding spacecreatures from other planets. Let's look at hollywood productions, various movies "preach" to the gullible masses that ghosts and the occult exist, and that "magic" is some kind of supernatural force that has power in our mundane world. Go 100 years back when your mother was born, and you'd know there was no internet or shitbox TV, even silent cinema (just music no voice) would shock the shit out of people by using the words "I don't give a Damn". Ha, finally a topic I can preach on with Facts tangible enough that anyone could believe ;)
her dad was very religious and respected and obeyed the christian god all his life , yet he died a horrific death due to cancer , why would god allow this to happen to him ? she said that was when she started to question the existance of god .
I don't believe the death of a person has anything to do with God existing or not. He is not responsible for the degradation of the humanbody! Now, if dude went to heaven, peeple around him would be too foolish to suppose this is an inconvenience for everyone else. They should be happy he is in a better place and not living with his cancer anymore
religion is scary, its scary to think that a being like God is all powerful and capable of anything. ideas like that are scary, its scary to think that what we do might be wrong on more levels than just our government, its scary to not be able to hide anything, its scary to think we might one day be held accountable for all the things we have done in our life. ok its down right terrifying considering the way we live our lives these days.

other than that all i would say is if we accepted that God is all powerful and all knowing then we must understand how limited we must be in comparison, and how small we must be. and humanity, in its current state, is not able to accept that we could all be ignorant, unable to even understand the workings of the world, and to us that is scary. so to make our selves feel better we have learned how to explain things and achieve a feeling that we understand life, and what we don't yet understand we will eventually, and thats a lot easier to accept than the other option.
Don't be scared of Life, bro. It is a gift. What men with "dark/evil" hearts do shouldn't concern those that atleast try to make good decisions. Noone is perfect though.
religion is scary, its scary to think that a being like God is all powerful and capable of anything. ideas like that are scary, its scary to think that what we do might be wrong on more levels than just our government, its scary to not be able to hide anything, its scary to think we might one day be heal accountable for all the things we have done in our life. ok its down right terrifying considering the way we live our lives these days.

other than that all i would say is if we accepted that God is all powerful and all knowing then we must understand how limited we must be in comparison, and how small we must be. and humanity, in its current state, is not able to accept that we could be all be ignorant being unable to even understand the workings of the world, and to us that is scary.
well, SatHigh, I commend you on your quest in search of faith for yourself, You gotta have atleast 3 threads bout God ..
Read what dude said about Wikipedia, the easiest "encyclopedia" on the internet. Falling away from the church is normal. Government helps a lot, we are taught that fapping away to internet porn (masturbation) is healthy for the body in comparison to just keeping the semen inside, that gays are "born that way", that Area 51 is hiding spacecreatures from other planets. Let's look at hollywood productions, various movies "preach" to the gullible masses that ghosts and the occult exist, and that "magic" is some kind of supernatural force that has power in our mundane world. Go 100 years back when your mother was born, and you'd know there was no internet or shitbox TV, even silent cinema (just music no voice) would shock the shit out of people by using the words "I don't give a Damn". Ha, finally a topic I can preach on with Facts tangible enough that anyone could believe ;)
MASTERBATION is completely natural we can see it happen in other animals on this planet .
gays are born that way we know the gene they carry from birth .
area 51 is hysterical americans mad the goverment keeps secrets from them , i dont think they have aliens there , just millitary stuff .
im not in search of faith , faith is for the close minded who cannot think for themselves or except , 'we dont know' .
personally im bored of religion , they come out with the same old arguments that can be dismissed with the google button , isnt it time there god adreseed its people , why did god only talk to its people 6000 years ago why dont we get any update from him in modern day lol why cant he come n explain famine in africa lol
personally im bored of religion , they come out with the same old arguments that can be dismissed with the google button , isnt it time there god adreseed its people , why did god only talk to its people 6000 years ago why dont we get any update from him in modern day lol why cant he come n explain famine in africa lol

You ask many questions about religion. Seems you're a very curious person. You will find your answers to those ^^^^ questions in the bible. If you're not genuinely asking questions and just being obnoxious, then just shut up already lol.
even funnier is that he thinks he knows the answer to everything a believer has to say... and he states,

tsh says ,"you are stupid cause you believe in God"

heph says, "you are dumb for saying such a thing"

oly says, "the darndest things, lol" nah, but really, " say, dude, that is a really dumb assumption to make"

tsh, " so, you are stupid"

oly, "why, each person is entitled to believe in what they wish to believe in, that is what makes each individual unique and one must respect"

tsh, " so, it is because i say so, and because my mum says so too"


I know. Strange how such a religiously ignorant person came from a religious mother, lol.