If Our Founding Fathers Were All Christians, Why Did They Say This?

You shouldn't be encouraging undocumented foreigners.
Not to worry, Trump will build a wall high enough to keep the ducks out, geese too. Are you aware that Canadian geese fly down here to have their babie? Those babies are then allowed to stay here. They don't do anything but shit on docks and sidewalks! Snow geese are cool, but we don't see many of those around here.
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Not to worry, Trump will build a wall high enough to keep the ducks out, geese too. Are you aware that Canadian geese fly down here to have their babies. Those babies are then allowed to stay here. They don't do anything but shit on docks and sidewalks! Snow geese are cool, but we don't see many of those around here.

We also have a hunting season for geese.
I guess you can tell from the responses... no one cares about this particular subject.

Those same people sure didn't seem to open to witchery and satanism etc.
The Salem witch trials had nothing to do with our founding fathers they where a Christian village that killed all the Puritans they could find. Salem,MA not D.C.
lol ur opinion.consider this harry,if no religions existed where peeps believed there would be no consequences for their actions then the world would be alot more dangerous than it is
We have police you kill you go to prison ain't nobody scared of a God that doesn't exist.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

The people "of Faith" are some of the most immoral pieces of shit on the planet.
dont get me wrong many,many people of all faiths hide behind their belief as a shield & use it as an excuse that its okay to do this or that because they are forgiven..that my friend is horseshit religion doesnt excuse anyone of not having common sense or decency or respect.Those people that go through life with that mentality needs to be hung until dead & make the world a better place for those of us that actually want to contribute positivity,compassion,love,equality & unity.
We have police you kill you go to prison ain't nobody scared of a God that doesn't exist.
granted ur right about that,since those that dont share the same faith say that of the other faiths that their "god" doesnt exist.regardless of what anyone person's beliefs be,doesnt change the fact Karma is universal,if u be of Light or u be of Darkness that is what u attract to yourself.what we do or not do in this life will determine your role or place in our next incarnations".To your ownself be true","An it harm none do as you will"(that includes harm to yourself)That is my philosophy.
Blessed Be
dont get me wrong many,many people of all faiths hide behind their belief as a shield & use it as an excuse that its okay to do this or that because they are forgiven..that my friend is horseshit religion doesnt excuse anyone of not having common sense or decency or respect.Those people that go through life with that mentality needs to be hung until dead & make the world a better place for those of us that actually want to contribute positivity,compassion,love,equality & unity.

That was the sound of that piece of shit you just wrote falling into the bowl.

I'll now flush...
I myself am proud pagan & a witch.I wasnt raised that way.Either way I personally respect ALL faiths regardless of how they differ from mine.All faiths has their place & are necessary.No faith is superior to another,after all they are ALL only OPINIONS mine included.I dont care what faith our president or other elected leaders are either,so long as their personal opinions dont hinder no others right to express themselves or their opinions.However any faith that believes that any particular faith,race,sex,color or sexual orientation is superior to another
is evil & is no different than ISIS or the Nazi regime.Opinions are like a-holes everyone has 1.
i have a broken wing and i am the Antichrist come join me on the dark side :) and i will take you to the 9th circle of hell