Well-Known Member
So I think this election cycle has highlighted something important on the democratic side I'd like to discuss; the clear divide between Hillary Clinton's campaign and Bernie Sanders Campaign, with a primary focus on policy positions and issues and how each camp's supporters have behaved throughout.
I think Sanders represents traditionally progressive positions; universal healthcare, universal college, campaign finance reform & much stronger regulation of the financial industry while Clinton represents more moderate positions; Individual mandate, not universal, single payer healthcare, doesn't support universal college, doesn't support reinstating Glass-Steagall, etc. Judging by the primary election results, this assessment would seem to be somewhat accurate since Clinton dominated the south and most of the eastern seaboard while Sanders made substantial gains in the midwest and northwest with a possibility of reeling in the west coast on June 7.
To Clinton supporters, do you believe Sanders positions are too far left? Are they unrealistic and you believe he wouldn't be able to get anything done? Why would you side with the more moderate democrat over the more progressive democrat? Don't you align more with progressive ideals?
I think Sanders represents traditionally progressive positions; universal healthcare, universal college, campaign finance reform & much stronger regulation of the financial industry while Clinton represents more moderate positions; Individual mandate, not universal, single payer healthcare, doesn't support universal college, doesn't support reinstating Glass-Steagall, etc. Judging by the primary election results, this assessment would seem to be somewhat accurate since Clinton dominated the south and most of the eastern seaboard while Sanders made substantial gains in the midwest and northwest with a possibility of reeling in the west coast on June 7.
To Clinton supporters, do you believe Sanders positions are too far left? Are they unrealistic and you believe he wouldn't be able to get anything done? Why would you side with the more moderate democrat over the more progressive democrat? Don't you align more with progressive ideals?