THE dilema!


Active Member
This is my dilema.. Ive been offered a trip overseas, except it cuts right through my grow and there is no one else to cover my grow.. so its all gona be wasted.. And since I only smoke 3months of the year, my time to smoke is shortened and i love the stuff...

what would u do? go on the holiday and end up not smoking or growing?

stay grow and enjoy summer high? :D


Well-Known Member
I'd chill at home and finish the grow.
Smoke that weed, it's enough of a vacation. I couldn't just blow off a grow like that, especially if I was only smoking 1/4 of the year.


Well-Known Member
Depends on where you're going and who with, definitly. cause you can always buy if you need to. i mean, weed grows year round. trips only come every so often.


Active Member
its the UK.. the grow is just a closet grow, 2-3 plants for my own consumption.. and is my ONLY source of weed..

I am just going for a holiday, nothing more.. and going for 2 weeks or more..

yer but i dont know where to get.. so im growin my own.. this is why the grow is so important to me


Well-Known Member
grow thw weed and after harvest plan a trip,unless you feel like waiting another nine month's to smoke for 90 days,wait,how long is this trip?what maybe a month,tops?you still got 60days left,oh but then whos gonna watch your grow,ahhhha,yes,this is a delima,stay and grow and smoke and like i said at the begining...plan a trip after the "special time of year" for you,lol.......3 months a year,OuCh!!!!but you must do it for a good reason,what a mess,lol,good luck!!