The Direct Route To Marijuana Legalization


Well-Known Member
If you want Marijuana Legalized-
1- Register as a Republican- Do this today!
2-Vote in the Republican Primary.
3-Vote in the Presidential election.-Elect Ron Paul President
He would either use his power as president to stop the prohibition of Marijuana or bring the topic of doing so to the forefront of discussion.


Well-Known Member
This really is our chance to see nation wide legalization,
If you don't get out and vote for R.P. in the primary and in the election your inaction will allow the continued prohibition of marijuana.


Active Member
I do like some of R.P. stances especially legalization, but just being President I do not think will insure legalization.

I do not think he will stand a chance though, to cutting edge. Everybody wants a President that tows the line. Stupid cattle.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the man! Libertarian is a much better party than the Republicans, Many Tea-Party are also Libertarians. Many of us independants voted for these so called seperate parties because we liked what they said. What we got was the same old Republican party that created this mess with a new passion to force thru all these attacks on middle class America while protecting the super rich.. Right after Pauls co-sponsered bill to end the " Marijuana Prohibition", another Texas Republican made the comment that he will kill that bill in the committee he chairs.

Untill Libertarians run as thier own party i REFUSE to be fooled again, i would rather have Obama than a Republican! Just look at all the legal states thatt are stripping all the medical laws now, look again, they almost all have these so called Libertarians / TeaParty Republicans just voted in.. Don't be tricked again or next time we wont just have drug testing for welfare persons, we will be tested for pot and if we test positive we will lose our citizenship or some other crazy stupid anti-middle class crap.


New Member
Ron Paul is the man! Libertarian is a much better party than the Republicans, Many Tea-Party are also Libertarians. Many of us independants voted for these so called seperate parties because we liked what they said. What we got was the same old Republican party that created this mess with a new passion to force thru all these attacks on middle class America while protecting the super rich.. Right after Pauls co-sponsered bill to end the " Marijuana Prohibition", another Texas Republican made the comment that he will kill that bill in the committee he chairs.

Untill Libertarians run as thier own party i REFUSE to be fooled again, i would rather have Obama than a Republican! Just look at all the legal states thatt are stripping all the medical laws now, look again, they almost all have these so called Libertarians / TeaParty Republicans just voted in.. Don't be tricked again or next time we wont just have drug testing for welfare persons, we will be tested for pot and if we test positive we will lose our citizenship or some other crazy stupid anti-middle class crap.
Don't let your disdain for the GOP influence your opinion of Ron Paul, He is not one of them, this has to be done to get a 3rd party canidate elected, Dr Paul is the godfather of the liberty movement and hes been fighting for the people for over 30 years, he has tried running as libertarian before.


Well-Known Member
The Republican party does not want Ron Paul, The Media does not want Ron Paul, he will not get the nomination or the presidency unless we follow the three simple steps in the O.P. Everyone needs to get together and make this happen.


New Member

for more truth on Ron Paul Checkout my sig


Well-Known Member
You would bump a post like this just to start another RP debate....
actually, i was chuckling at the unrealistic, simpleton nature of beardo's idea.

step 1: vote for ron paul!
step 2: ???
step 3: PROFIT!

methinks your want of (yet another) ron paul thread is freudian projection.


Well-Known Member
If you don't get out and vote for R.P. in the primary and in the election your inaction will allow the continued prohibition of marijuana.
so, not voting for ron paul somehow entails that i am not allowed to seek other avenues to re-legalize cannabis?

i do believe ron paul worshipers are nucking futs, and this is the proof.


Active Member
im not a democrat or anything like that, but forreal? prostitution and hard drugs along with marijuana wil be legalized. believe me im all up for growin, smokin, eating, whatever you may like to do with weed. but c'mon, the guy really doesnt even seem too bright. just another big cheese thats going to take our money.


Well-Known Member
The core popularity of Ron Paul is an obvious attention getter however it is and must be with the people that we have strength to legalize Cannabis.
To place one's trust in another to grant you what you will not stand for is indirect Democracy.

Get up, Stand Up and come out of the Cannabis closet. Fight publicly to Legalize Cannabis Horticulture, Use and private trade!