1. Michelson-Morley experiment, why doesn't it support your claim? If your hypothesis is correct, then the M-M experiment would demonstrate that.
I can't answer that question, as I personally wasn't there to inspect the apparatus, and I certainly wasn't there to monitor the test to observe for any error, or integrity problems. Even if I had witnessed it first hand there are unforeseen glitches in the system that can occur and throw off the results. In the not so distant past the neutrino was measured to be traveling faster than light. Did you jump up and down and claim it as a fact? I doubt it, you were probably a skeptic, that there was probably a mechanical problem in the system, human error was to blame, or there was something wrong with the method or mathematics. You know that feeling? Well that is the feeling I have about the MM experiment, not to mention that there is always a chance that a hidden agenda was an inspiration for an integrity problem. Sure, there was a bad connection later found to be the cause of the neutrino results, but that is hind sight. You may have been a skeptic of the results prior to knowing there was in fact a problem. So test until you get the results you are looking for, eh? I'll keep that in mind. (rolls eyes)
2. How is it possible to have measured light anywhere on earth and not get conflicting values based on whether or not we are in summer or winter, or night or day? Why do you think we can ignore the motion of the earth, solar system and galaxy? Do you actually think humans have ever had a reference frame that is zero velocity with respect to space... EVER?
For the last f'ing time, are you measuring the speed of light or the speed of the earth? Are you admitting that if my method were correct that your results would have shown different, as the earth (lab) is in motion? You are measuring the speed of light, what don't you understand about that? Do you know the difference between measuring the speed of light, and measuring how much time it takes for light to traverse a length in a frame?? Evidently f'n not!
3. How can you ignore 400 years of physics where since Galileo, it has been recognized that motion can only be discussed in relation to something else? How do you assign any meaningful values of velocity to anything without something to reference it against?
Again, you are confusing closing speed with velocity. Do you actually know what a velocity is? Certainly not, because you keep claiming a closing speed as a velocity.
4. Do you understand the concept of inertial motion? How do you explain that two objects in relative motion opposite of one another will get the exact same measurements for light, but get different measurements for time?
Yes I do understand inertial motion, which is saying nothing more than "not accelerating." The real question is, do you understand that acceleration is the rate of change of velocity? Do you understand that an object has to have a velocity at all times, even if that velocity is zero???? If I can accelerate, which I can, then I must have an initial velocity in space in order for that acceleration to change that velocity. You don't have a f'n clue of which you speak, you are only parroting the yesteryear BS that you've been brainwashed with!
5. Consider that there are only two possibilities, either light speed is variable and depends on the frame it is measured in, or it is constant and Einstein was right. You keep implying there is a third alternative but have yet to explain how and why or even offer an experiment to test your claim. How do you think your claim can be verified? Einstein was proven right through experimentation. How do you explain the results of those experiments if he was wrong? Why does everything in this world appear to follow the laws of relativity?
Again, you don't even know the difference between the speed of light and a measurement of the speed of light. You talk like your measurement of the speed of light is the speed of light. What the f don't you understand about the definition of the meter defining the speed of light? Are you for real???
6. Are you the biggest troll in the universe or just very stupid?
So you couldn't find a mistake in the link I posted, you have no numbers for the pic according to SR, you don't know the difference between a defined speed of light and a measured speed of light, you fail to grasp the concept of a light sphere and the center point of that sphere, you don't know the difference between a closing speed and a velocity, and you call me stupid?? Pot, is that you, this is kettle.