The disclaimers at the bottom of peoples sig's


Well-Known Member
Is there actually any reason for doing this, like if ya get busted via pictures/posts you submit to this or any weed forum, will having these disclaimers help in any way, im interested



Well-Known Member
LOL....Well, you can have all the disclaimers you want and if they find it your busted red handed. I think its a piece of mind thing and gives them the feeling to speak about their grows without ownership of what they are actually doing.


Well-Known Member
Lol i meant say you got busted with all the grow equiptment but luckily you smoked it all and they pull these pictures and posts documenting your last grow, surely ya wouldnt be able to deny the pics were not taken in your house, unless takent in front of a white sheet ect.. but i suppose if theres no actual plants you could say you were growing tomatos lol


Well-Known Member
i disclaime this post..........heh you cant talk about whatever you want untill you cought your not doing anyhting wrong i love free speach


Well-Known Member
Lol i meant say you got busted with all the grow equiptment but luckily you smoked it all and they pull these pictures and posts documenting your last grow, surely ya wouldnt be able to deny the pics were not taken in your house, unless takent in front of a white sheet ect.. but i suppose if theres no actual plants you could say you were growing tomatos lol
lol the tomato thing dont work i tried that :wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
lol the tomato thing dont work i tried that :wall::wall:
What even if your caught with everything to grow, but there is not a scrap of evidence relating it to weed (im not talking a big grow) just like mine small time (look at my grow journal)

Im sure if you stick to "i was growing tomatos, what about it" story, they would have nothing to prove in court, due to lack of evidence, that would work here in the uk, but youd def have to relocate your next grow :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well in the states i didnt work at all unless i just imagined the lat 5 years of my life lol