The Disinformation Super Highway.


Well-Known Member
So is there a certain etiquette you should follow when you see someone giving completely absurd advice? Or Just sub the thread and wait for the train wreck? Seems most people just get all butt hurt and defensive instead of using common sense and logic. I don't claim to have all the answers but 25+ successful years of growing with no complaints must count for something.


Active Member
etiquette? Hell, this is the wild west of the interwebs man! You may be too refined for these ruffians--get out a stick and start swinging! lol but to the the good advice you give --have faith that it may be read by people that "get it" and just don't comment all the time--like me. I totally appreciate the insights and experience of seasoned growers--and I can usually spot the bad advice-- However, I think the beauty of growing weed is the fact that there really is no absolute "right way" to grow it-- there are so many variables-- and for the newbie it boils down to figuring out how to sort through advice and then figuring out what works best for you. . . .


Well-Known Member
There are some fundamental truths, at least as far as growing. But generally speaking, people are just sharing their experiences. It may have worked for them, but your situation may be different and a different approach/solution may be better for you.

And of course, some folks are just blowing smoke outta their asses. Ignore and move on


Well-Known Member
The etiquette is pretty simple... offer your opinion as an alternative to the information with which you disagree. Is that so hard?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i take it someone tried to help and got crucified for it...

i blame the borderline illiteracy that permeates online forums. some people really aren't capable of civilized debate and take someone else's disagreement as an insult in itself, so no matter what is being said, it's perceived as combative.

that being said, one might want to avoid phrases such as: "that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard", "are you retarded?", "have you ever grown ANYTHING?", "your setup is crap", "stfu noob" or any variations thereof. approaching a situation with words like that is a sure way to get people riled, and i see way too much of it around here. potheads are fucking cranky sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Just keep your hard earned knowledge and let the perverbial animals fend for themselves. Most are in so far over their heads it's silly. Makes for great reading of the exact same threads every single day in the growing forums though.

Yawn. There should be a GIANT search button made in RED with a sign next to it that says if you have a question click here first. That way maybe they'll they use it. How many fucking threads can be made that say "what's wrong with my babies" can this forum support. Jesus.


Active Member
Yes, one has to be sturdy to endure around these parts. I asked some naive questions in the beginning and was promptly squashed. Thankfully there were a few nice folks that chimed in--but overall I learned to search and not ask. My most severe throttling was at the hands of the brick. Nine pages of text and insults--it was awesome. . .I felt initiated :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, one has to be sturdy to endure around these parts. I asked some naive questions in the beginning and was promptly squashed. Thankfully there were a few nice folks that chimed in--but overall I learned to search and not ask. My most severe throttling was at the hands of the brick. Nine pages of text and insults--it was awesome. . .I felt initiated :)
Ha ha.........and look where it got he's terrorizing under another screen name, or on another site making people cry LOL!!!!!!

I can think of 3 people on here I'd like to meet in the real world and see how thick their glasses are, and what type of serial killer house they live in, and see them sweat when they realize there is an actual person on the other end of all these keyboards..

It puts the lotion on its skin!