The Dispensary in Glendale

i guess the tv segment said they are having people pre register so they can figure out pricing. It should a huge line of folks standing in line
How is this even going down?
The laws are clear, no transfer of value..
That is a blatant violation and grounds for revoking an operation certificate/dispensary license.
seems pretty simple to me, document it, I know there was someone from Tucson dispensaries propositioning me for meds at a market a month back.
oh, you will get fingerprinted as part of the Tucson location's "registration" process. Then you will not use your card for ID with them....they say
make your own decision.
There is a post from AZCS from a caregiver. I'm probably going to go and support this. Perhaps other will join now the that dispensaries have the green light and will be moving in faster I'm thinking now.

Next NORML meeting

Let's all get together and make a difference. Stop this ridiculous 25 Mile Rule.

Phoenix NORMLWhen Wed, December 5, 7pm – 8pm

Where The Firehouse Gallery 1015 N. 1st Street Phoenix AZ (map)
First line of the article says the medical marijuana law is constitutional.
This suggests there might be hope for abolishing the 25 mile rule based on constitutional principals.
if i was younger, i'd go to his store, stand outside quietly whispering, 1/2 OZs, money back guarantee, $95.00.
They must be buying at over 3500 or there are just plain pieces of shit. Usually 100% markup is industry standard.
It is out of staters...

Before AzMMA an eighth was $45 Top Shelve

After AzMMA an eighth cost $60+ (Have seen them for $90 - out of state outdoor crap)

The demand has not increased much but the supply has... How does this justify over priced medicine? Greed.
i'm this high right now


if you don' t love it, you're too young or you're not high enough! :)
Wow... fucking wow... A little above street prices... How about double street price.

It would be funny if the patients all got pissed about the prices, rioted and burned it down.