The Diviners Sage

Does anyone have a reliable source for getting plants/cuttings? I had a few and they didn't survive my last move. Having a heck of a time finding a vendor with plants in stock.
Places giving/selling plants
"Check out the seed trading fourms people are always giving away plants for shipping cost "
Not sure about forums but ive come across a few sites to get plants, i try to find a couple for you. They only ship to states were its alowed
Not sure about forums but ive come across a few sites to get plants, i try to find a couple for you. They only ship to states were its alowed
Thanks, thats not an issue here. I have looked a few times an almost everywhere that shows live plants then says they are out of stock or no longer carried.
Heres one thats in the continental US, just make sure you look into care technique cuz theyre very fragile after ship and may suffer from shock.
Thanks lol they are not taking orders at this time. I bookmarked them. Hopefully it is temporary. Just weird that every site seems to be down or no longer carrying.
New england. My state does not have any restrictions on it. I actually got it from a nursery in Canada probably 10 years ago, they no longer offer it. Richters herbs used to carry two types for very reasonable price.
I just sent You a PM about meeting up soon.

Arrowplane or boat ?
will trade cannabis seeds for salvia seeds.
i have herojuan cookies and some miniature research strains. by Fire Bear Trees
will trade cannabis seeds for salvia seeds.
i have herojuan cookies and some miniature research strains. by Fire Bear Trees
Not worth it salvia seeds are very very expensive and rare, cuz salvia d plants rarely put out seed and when they do only like one and 10 will germinate.
Not worth it salvia seeds are very very expensive and rare, cuz salvia d plants rarely put out seed and when they do only like one and 10 will germinate.
did not know that.
ever seen a stable miniature chronic strain? not a random dwarf but a breeding strain. also another fire strain like ghost og. the offer stands.