The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

None of the ads cited in your example changed the outcome of an election
The question was "Had an effect". And yes, they did have an effect. And really, are you also ignorant of the many studies that conclusively show advertising, especially negative advertising affects elections? Do I have to be the adult who drags up the reports or can you be trusted to test your assumptions on your own?
1) How many political TV ads have you watched that completely changed your mind on a candidate?
There absolutely have been turning points in elections based upon ads.
The question was "Had an effect".
Let's review the tape...

The question was clearly stated. You replied with a strawman about turning points in elections based on ads. Now you're lying about what was actually asked.
Given that political donations aren't actually deductible, it does seem quite ignorant.
Not true. They ARE deductible, especially those going to SuperPACs.

It's this fact that allows the ultra rich and large corporations to spend such large sums on campaigns election after election.

In other words, they steal from taxpayers in order to subvert our democracy and game the system for their own ends.

Let THAT sink in for a minute!
Somebody earlier said they donate to political campaigns for tax write offs...

That is the level of ignorance we are dealing with. Just let that sink in for a moment...

your buddy just mistook a parody website for actual news.

meanwhile, there are tax write-offs for donations to political campaigns.

and did you know it is already proven that russian espionage actors hacked our voter rolls, the DNC, and private email accounts? you call these facts "conspiracy theory" though.

you're fucking retarded.
If you want to change my opinion, then stop with the fact free dialogue.

Where did I say I want to change your opinion? I asked that you cut out the smack talk and stick with civil discourse. Do you talk like this to people in person?

There absolutely have been turning points in elections based upon ads. . Daisy, Morning in America, Rock, Willie Horton, It's 3am, Smoking Man. These are the big ones with clear and measurable affect. There is reason to think that other ads have had smaller less measurable effects. You said there were none. No ads that affected an election. Your saying this puts me in the position of either remaining silent or pointing out your lack of knowledge. As if your uninformed opinion had value. This is juvenile. Start making informed statements and I'll stop calling you a Bernie baby. Right now, that's how you talk.

Now you're just making stuff up. I asked YOU if you've ever been swayed by a political ad to vote for someone that you didn't consider voting for otherwise. As to your other point, who's saying that someone running for office can't raise a substantial amount of money through individual donors?? Does the money not count unless it comes from a PAC or Exxon Mobil?
ossoff turned a 26 point loss to a 4 point loss and turned out as many voters in an off year special election as the last guy did in a presidential election year.
Trump won in Montana by 21%, Quist lost by 6%: +15
Trump won GAs 6th by 1%, Ossoff lost it by 3%: -4

That's after Quist was given no national support by the Democratic establishment and Ossoff's campaign was flooded with more than $25,000,000 from the Democratic establishment (most expensive house race in American history), and still lost
Trump won in Montana by 21%, Quist lost by 6%: +15
Trump won GAs 6th by 1%, Ossoff lost it by 3%: -4

That's after Quist was given no national support by the Democratic establishment and Ossoff's campaign was flooded with more than $25,000,000 from the Democratic establishment (most expensive house race in American history), and still lost
I'm curious what would have happened had Quist gotten more than a lousy $27k from the Democrats less than 2 weeks before election day- in a mail in ballot state.

No bias there!
I'm curious what would have happened had Quist gotten more than a lousy $27k from the Democrats less than 2 weeks before election day- in a mail in ballot state.

No bias there!
It would be nice to see the Democratic party run and support an actually progressive candidate the same way they do establishment candidates, but it's easy to see why they don't; if that candidate wins on a progressive platform, like campaign finance reform and universal healthcare, they would have to stop taking money from special interests like the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. What was the party leaderships reason for not backing Quist or Thompson in Kansas?
I'm curious what would have happened had Quist gotten more than a lousy $27k from the Democrats less than 2 weeks before election day- in a mail in ballot state.

No bias there!

i thought the establishment dems and their corporatist donor class bribes were the sworn and mortal enemies of you purist REAL progressives?
More than $25 million to Ossoff and he still lost

More than 1,000 seats lost across the country since 09

Governorships, US House, US Senate, 2/3 of state legislatures

The neoliberal record speaks for itself
It would be nice to see the Democratic party run and support an actually progressive candidate the same way they do establishment candidates, but it's easy to see why they don't; if that candidate wins on a progressive platform, like campaign finance reform and universal healthcare, they would have to stop taking money from special interests like the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. What was the party leaderships reason for not backing Quist or Thompson in Kansas?


More than 1,000 seats lost across the country since 09

to get to that number you literally have to count seats we lost by 25 points in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016.

it's a retarded right wing talking point that you TRUE PURE PROGRESSIVES are now parroting non-stop.