Well-Known Member
How will committing violence help solve the issue or racism?It's not violence, it's self defense, rapey.
How will committing violence help solve the issue or racism?It's not violence, it's self defense, rapey.
How will committing violence help solve the issue or racism?
Cite an example of me "being cautious around Nazis"I've stated this very clearly.
Why are you so cautious around Nazis, but have no problem smearing the dnc?
I'm beginning to question your motives here, rapey.
Cite an example of me "being cautious around Nazis"
When have I ever "smeared the DNC"? Everything I've ever said about the DNC has been verifiable and factual
You're not a progressive. You're a social justice warrior who is more concerned with protecting people's feelings and making sure nobody is never offended, ever, by anything than making sure people have access to affordable healthcare and can make a decent living.Dag is right. You're a blight on the progressive movement, and no longer worth my time either, rapey mcfuckstick.
fuck your authoritarian attitude.It was a 'yes' or 'no' question. Do you believe committing violence will achieve your stated goals?
Yes or no?
Then you support preemptive violence. If you support preemptive violence, your goal cannot be peace between everybody.fuck your authoritarian attitude.
Charlottesville showed the true character of the nazi nation. Fuck your idea that there is one answer.
My goal is peace between everybody. When others don't want peace then I'm not in favor of turning the other cheek.
What part don't you understand?Then you support preemptive violence. If you support preemptive violence, your goal cannot be peace between everybody.
I'm having a hard time understanding how you can claim you want peace between everybody while supporting committing preemptive violence against those you disagree with because they believe something different than youWhat part don't you understand?
What's authoritarian about saying whoever commits physical violence first loses? Saying I hate you and your kind and all your people and I wish you were all dead isn't an act of physical violence. It's an ignorant opinion devoid of all intellect, but stupid people still have the right to voice their stupid opinions without the threat of violence. People are allowed to say they hate you, your kind, and everything you stand for all they want. You're free to call them retards for it. Freedom of speech all around. You're not allowed to assault someone for saying all your people should be exterminated. That belief is easily defeated without resorting to violence. All resorting to violence does is entrench detractors and strengthen the support against you.fuck your authoritarian attitude.
You're in favor of committing preemptive violence against people who hold a different political belief than youMy goal is peace between everybody. When others don't want peace then I'm not in favor of turning the other cheek.
This is an excellent framework for the discussion and potential resolution of nearly any topic on which there are deep differences of opinion."Mr. Davis, thank you for your hard work and bravery over the years as an educator. My question for you is something that I struggle with often: How do you connect, communicate, and/or educate with someone whose views are so virulently different from your own?"
"Thank you very much. The BEST tool I have found is knowledge. Learn as much as you can about the person whose views are so virulently different from your own. Even sit in the privacy of your room and take that person's position and argue in his favor with yourself. Often times these people who let me know they DID NOT like me, very often respected me, because of my knowledge of their position. I often knew as much if not more about them and their beleif system and their organization than they did. That garnered me respect. Today, some of those same virulent people have become my BEST friends, believe it or not."
"This may be asking a lot, but can you provide with some bullet points of things that we need to listen to in order to prevent people from turning to racism and what are the most effective way to act or react?"
People make the mistake of forming anti-racist groups that are rendered ineffective from the start because ONLY invite those who share their beliefs to their meetings.
*VERY IMPORTANT - LISTEN to that person. What is his/her primary concern? Place yourself in their shoes. What would you do to address their concern if it were you?
- Provide a safe neutral meeting place.
- Learn as much as you can about the ideology of a racist or perceived racist in your area.
- Invite that person to meet with your group.
*While you are actively learning about someone else, realize that you are passively teaching them about yourself. Be honest and respectful to them, regardless of how offensive you may find them. You can let them know your disagreement but not in an offensive manner.
- As questions, but keep calm in the face of their loud, boisterous posture if that is on display, don't combat it with the same
*When two enemies are talking, they are not fighting, they are talking. They may be yelling and screaming and pounding their fist on the table in disagreement to drive home their point, but at least they are talking. It is when the talking ceases, that the ground becomes fertile for violence. So, KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING.
- Don't be afraid to invite someone with a different opinion to your table. If everyone in your group agrees with one another and you shun those who don't agree, how will anything ever change? You are doing nothing more than preaching to the choir.
Gotta start might as well try to convey your points to a potato or a gold fish pada. you cannot speak anything halfway rational in thought to these people, if you oppose anything they , your the racist , retard trump supporter. I neither agree or disagree with either parties involved , I think they both fucked up and lost there shit, but like i said , you cannot oppose these fuckers points of view on reality , makes em nervous and scared , logic and reasoning makes em think and thinking for themselves is dangerous cause it'd be the first time they have ever really done it, before you know it they are losing there shit and sticking there dicks in toasters and blaming general electric....
i doubt it , they prolly dont use em enough to care if they lost it. My theory is they are prolly bottoms already so it would do nothing positive for the're thought processes, and the cost of toasters would go up too......Gotta start somewhere.
Toasted wieners would do if it had to...
I'm having a hard time understanding how you can claim you want peace between everybody while supporting committing preemptive violence against those you disagree with because they believe something different than you
What's authoritarian about saying whoever commits physical violence first loses? Saying I hate you and your kind and all your people and I wish you were all dead isn't an act of physical violence. It's an ignorant opinion devoid of all intellect, but stupid people still have the right to voice their stupid opinions without the threat of violence. People are allowed to say they hate you, your kind, and everything you stand for all they want. You're free to call them retards for it. Freedom of speech all around. You're not allowed to assault someone for saying all your people should be exterminated. That belief is easily defeated without resorting to violence. All resorting to violence does is entrench detractors and strengthen the support against you.
You're in favor of committing preemptive violence against people who hold a different political belief than you
"Mr. Davis, thank you for your hard work and bravery over the years as an educator. My question for you is something that I struggle with often: How do you connect, communicate, and/or educate with someone whose views are so virulently different from your own?"
"Thank you very much. The BEST tool I have found is knowledge. Learn as much as you can about the person whose views are so virulently different from your own. Even sit in the privacy of your room and take that person's position and argue in his favor with yourself. Often times these people who let me know they DID NOT like me, very often respected me, because of my knowledge of their position. I often knew as much if not more about them and their beleif system and their organization than they did. That garnered me respect. Today, some of those same virulent people have become my BEST friends, believe it or not."
"This may be asking a lot, but can you provide with some bullet points of things that we need to listen to in order to prevent people from turning to racism and what are the most effective way to act or react?"
People make the mistake of forming anti-racist groups that are rendered ineffective from the start because ONLY invite those who share their beliefs to their meetings.
*VERY IMPORTANT - LISTEN to that person. What is his/her primary concern? Place yourself in their shoes. What would you do to address their concern if it were you?
- Provide a safe neutral meeting place.
- Learn as much as you can about the ideology of a racist or perceived racist in your area.
- Invite that person to meet with your group.
*While you are actively learning about someone else, realize that you are passively teaching them about yourself. Be honest and respectful to them, regardless of how offensive you may find them. You can let them know your disagreement but not in an offensive manner.
- As questions, but keep calm in the face of their loud, boisterous posture if that is on display, don't combat it with the same
*When two enemies are talking, they are not fighting, they are talking. They may be yelling and screaming and pounding their fist on the table in disagreement to drive home their point, but at least they are talking. It is when the talking ceases, that the ground becomes fertile for violence. So, KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING.
- Don't be afraid to invite someone with a different opinion to your table. If everyone in your group agrees with one another and you shun those who don't agree, how will anything ever change? You are doing nothing more than preaching to the choir.
you might as well try to convey your points to a potato or a gold fish pada. you cannot speak anything halfway rational in thought to these people, if you oppose anything they , your the racist , retard trump supporter. I neither agree or disagree with either parties involved , I think they both fucked up and lost there shit, but like i said , you cannot oppose these fuckers points of view on reality , makes em nervous and scared , logic and reasoning makes em think and thinking for themselves is dangerous cause it'd be the first time they have ever really done it, before you know it they are losing there shit and sticking there dicks in toasters and blaming general electric....
"Mr. Davis, thank you for your hard work and bravery over the years as an educator. My question for you is something that I struggle with often: How do you connect, communicate, and/or educate with someone whose views are so virulently different from your own?"
"Thank you very much. The BEST tool I have found is knowledge. Learn as much as you can about the person whose views are so virulently different from your own. Even sit in the privacy of your room and take that person's position and argue in his favor with yourself. Often times these people who let me know they DID NOT like me, very often respected me, because of my knowledge of their position. I often knew as much if not more about them and their beleif system and their organization than they did. That garnered me respect. Today, some of those same virulent people have become my BEST friends, believe it or not."
"This may be asking a lot, but can you provide with some bullet points of things that we need to listen to in order to prevent people from turning to racism and what are the most effective way to act or react?"
People make the mistake of forming anti-racist groups that are rendered ineffective from the start because ONLY invite those who share their beliefs to their meetings.
*VERY IMPORTANT - LISTEN to that person. What is his/her primary concern? Place yourself in their shoes. What would you do to address their concern if it were you?
- Provide a safe neutral meeting place.
- Learn as much as you can about the ideology of a racist or perceived racist in your area.
- Invite that person to meet with your group.
*While you are actively learning about someone else, realize that you are passively teaching them about yourself. Be honest and respectful to them, regardless of how offensive you may find them. You can let them know your disagreement but not in an offensive manner.
- As questions, but keep calm in the face of their loud, boisterous posture if that is on display, don't combat it with the same
*When two enemies are talking, they are not fighting, they are talking. They may be yelling and screaming and pounding their fist on the table in disagreement to drive home their point, but at least they are talking. It is when the talking ceases, that the ground becomes fertile for violence. So, KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING.
- Don't be afraid to invite someone with a different opinion to your table. If everyone in your group agrees with one another and you shun those who don't agree, how will anything ever change? You are doing nothing more than preaching to the choir.
LOL"Mr. Davis, thank you for your hard work and bravery over the years as an educator. My question for you is something that I struggle with often: How do you connect, communicate, and/or educate with someone whose views are so virulently different from your own?"
"Thank you very much. The BEST tool I have found is knowledge. Learn as much as you can about the person whose views are so virulently different from your own. Even sit in the privacy of your room and take that person's position and argue in his favor with yourself. Often times these people who let me know they DID NOT like me, very often respected me, because of my knowledge of their position. I often knew as much if not more about them and their beleif system and their organization than they did. That garnered me respect. Today, some of those same virulent people have become my BEST friends, believe it or not."
"This may be asking a lot, but can you provide with some bullet points of things that we need to listen to in order to prevent people from turning to racism and what are the most effective way to act or react?"
People make the mistake of forming anti-racist groups that are rendered ineffective from the start because ONLY invite those who share their beliefs to their meetings.
*VERY IMPORTANT - LISTEN to that person. What is his/her primary concern? Place yourself in their shoes. What would you do to address their concern if it were you?
- Provide a safe neutral meeting place.
- Learn as much as you can about the ideology of a racist or perceived racist in your area.
- Invite that person to meet with your group.
*While you are actively learning about someone else, realize that you are passively teaching them about yourself. Be honest and respectful to them, regardless of how offensive you may find them. You can let them know your disagreement but not in an offensive manner.
- As questions, but keep calm in the face of their loud, boisterous posture if that is on display, don't combat it with the same
*When two enemies are talking, they are not fighting, they are talking. They may be yelling and screaming and pounding their fist on the table in disagreement to drive home their point, but at least they are talking. It is when the talking ceases, that the ground becomes fertile for violence. So, KEEP THE CONVERSATION GOING.
- Don't be afraid to invite someone with a different opinion to your table. If everyone in your group agrees with one another and you shun those who don't agree, how will anything ever change? You are doing nothing more than preaching to the choir.
Just to summarize:I've said it 100 times. Buckles, Foggy, Justin, et al are not interested in curbing racism, or interested in the plight of minorities. They fan the flames for selfish reasons. They are a part of the problem.