Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
The supreme court is a separation of power. Being appointed by the President, their appointments are the direct result of election results. Hence Sotomayor.
What is marriage? A contract between two people, or, a contract between two people, and government? If it is the latter, the privileges granted by this contract need to be stipulated. Who better to stipulate the benefits, and the requirements required to extract those benefits, than the electorate of each state, individually. Or would you prefer that the government negotiate directly with the affected parties, the "couple" to be married, and form the contract on a case by case basis? Or that the feds make one rule for all states?
On the surface the Supreme court is a separate power. By being appointed by a President they are not likely to be a separate power...more likely an extension of that particular President's idelogy. Besides unelected Supreme Court justices don't go away quickly enough, but Presidents can and do.
Who better to intervene in marriage than a state? How about nobody?
Governments are not supposed to intervene in private contracts, I'm pretty sure it's in the Constitution.
There are countless private contracts made everyday without government intervening, as it should be. Marriage should be no different.
A license to get married ? Permission to get divorced? How is that not Government intervening and violating the Constitution?