The Donald went down to Georgia

no, we know already. they both won.

I hope to hell your right because I'm going the search out Trump supporters if I can find any Trumpers wearing they're trumpster regalia but for some reason expect to find very few. They will be an elusive quarry at least on the local level. I know I can find them at the Elks, Knights of Columbus, and the American Legion at their club bar rooms but I don't know where to find them on the streets. I'm not going to stoop to their level I just want to say "Na Na Na Nanana" and "In your face"and tell then " HaHa! and that old man Biden has achieved MAGA even b4 the big inauguration. Apparently Don is going to be providing suicide belts to the proud boys.

I don't think so. trump has been losing a lot of followers since the election, his behavior towards the democratic process has been a deal breaker for many of his smarter supporters. To support trumps post election behavior is a career ender IMO. People will like him even less when he loses immunity from prosecution on the 20th.

DID YOU SAY "SMARTER SUPPORTERS" I hope your right but with the uncountable violations of the constitution, human rights, tax evasion, lying, abuse of power, sexual assault, and a boatload of other painful(for us) incidents and behaviors but I'm not so certain his base is eroded by any degree except by intelligent people.
I did hear that the final results of this race are being investigated due to fraud and irregularities. I'm just disappointed that he will never be put in jail unless you call house arrest at his penthouse and properties jail. Is it possible that we'll have the votes needed to have him tarred and feathered and run out of town on rail. Toot toot
It was tough because they're almost invisible most of the times but I found four Trump supporters hiding under a bridge. It was cold but they said basking in Trump's warmth . I asked them if they would like me to personally administer the coup de grace. They misunderstood and thought I said coup d'etat and said yes. I admit I was torn
Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., who lost a special election Tuesday night, said on the Senate floor that she would not object to counting of votes for Biden in some states, despite having said earlier this week that she would do so.

Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., who lost a special election Tuesday night, said on the Senate floor that she would not object to counting of votes for Biden in some states, despite having said earlier this week that she would do so.

“Radical liberal Raphael Warnock” beat her hehehe