The Dons' Organic Garden

To be or not to be, that is the question..

wonder if we should give this lanker the X or not. F*** i dislike 2 things… rushing and plant stretching, lol.
guess alfalfa should be intro'd when dipping off the 18/6, or stronger veg lights?
know of an OG around here who had his 1 footers stacked with about 48 nodes.
Even they had to find the right strain though.
Lest us not forget.
Patience and breath work
Hahahahaha read my mind!
You're the best, man! Tell me mo'!?
I may revise it slightly and make it 40w. And i slightly underestimated on the post above. Edited.
Ok so here is the finalized plan after crunching some numbers and taking some heat in the LED forum.
5 Vero 10 COBs with a total vf of roughly 130v driven at 300mA. They will be spaced roughly 7" apart on a 36" slab of the 3.5" profile from HeatsinkUSA. Should be able to get 10 maybe 8 inches from the top of the canopy which would make for great penetration combined with the wide coverage.
Ok so the 40w would work out to be $140.
Very nice, how many bars is that, good sir?

And to follow up that DE Rock Talk,

Blotches, stripes and pale colours, from shortages of minerals, represent the mismanagement of chlorophyll. Sometimes it’s not just the lack of these nutrients but their delivery into the crop that is the issue. Silicon can have a big impact upon mineral uptake. Phloem and xylem are the pathways that govern mineral absorption and the translocation of minerals within the plant. These nutrient highways are built from silicon and their performance will suffer in its absence.

Maybe for the 27 week stuff we should make sure we have a bit of Rice and some DE Rocks.. whats the ideal amounts though? One of us gwan need to read up on em, dive in!
Very nice, how many bars is that, good sir?

And to follow up that DE Rock Talk,

Blotches, stripes and pale colours, from shortages of minerals, represent the mismanagement of chlorophyll. Sometimes it’s not just the lack of these nutrients but their delivery into the crop that is the issue. Silicon can have a big impact upon mineral uptake. Phloem and xylem are the pathways that govern mineral absorption and the translocation of minerals within the plant. These nutrient highways are built from silicon and their performance will suffer in its absence.

Maybe for the 27 week stuff we should make sure we have a bit of Rice and some DE Rocks.. whats the ideal amounts though? One of us gwan need to read up on em, dive in!
That is per bar. 3 feet wide.
And i forgot to mention to add rice to your mixes along with the amendments. I always have but i always forget to mention it.
Ok so here is the finalized plan after crunching some numbers and taking some heat in the LED forum.
5 Vero 10 COBs with a total vf of roughly 130v driven at 300mA. They will be spaced roughly 7" apart on a 36" slab of the 3.5" profile from HeatsinkUSA. Should be able to get 10 maybe 8 inches from the top of the canopy which would make for great penetration combined with the wide coverage.
Very sick whats the heat from!? Pioneering too much!? Challenging the DIY Geniuses? Tsk Tsk Tsk, lol. Or just being too EVERYWHERE hahahaha
That is per bar. 3 feet wide.
And i forgot to mention to add rice to your mixes along with the amendments. I always have but i always forget to mention it.
Very nice. So one bad ass 36" bar with 5 COBs, each on those mini heatsinks? Then you can use it for veg and flower, just add your spectrums as you wish!

What is the width it can cover? Like other width wise,

and yes thats right hey, rice vewy gooooo.
2 cups per batch? what kind of rice we like to use, mon? lol
Very sick whats the heat from!? Pioneering too much!? Challenging the DIY Geniuses? Tsk Tsk Tsk, lol. Or just being too EVERYWHERE hahahaha

Very nice. So one bad ass 36" bar with 5 COBs, each on those mini heatsinks? Then you can use it for veg and flower, just add your spectrums as you wish!

What is the width it can cover? Like other width wise,

and yes thats right hey, rice vewy gooooo.
2 cups per batch? what kind of rice we like to use, mon? lol
No the whole 36" bar IS the heatsink. Very simplified. 5 cobs, 1 driver, 1 heatsink. I would say 1 bar would replace 4 of the t5s coverage wise. And at only 40w.
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So Rev says soil germ be best for the BLkFrrst, 7 year old seed with 100 % apparent germ rate. so far no jokes.. 3 of 3 have germed, one came up root first tho.
This is on day 3 or so vs the heirloom that's still unsurfaced for 10 days now..image.jpgWhat a little beauty
Very nice, bro! We gonna have a few DIY projects this year lol.

But yea that was the fastest soil germ ever for me. Heating pad with basic mix.

You should see the Vortex tho, its like its smiling, the way the leaves have been from the day they opened… very cute plant mon
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Very nice, bro! We gonna have a few DIY projects this year lol.

But yea that was the fastest soil germ ever for me. Heating pad with basic mix.

You should see the Vortex tho, its like its smiling, the way the leaves have been from the day they opened… very cute plant mon
I need to make a couple small lamps for the house plants. Maybe a 5000k bar as well for starting veggies.
You're gonna need a few bars pretty quick by the looks of it! Taking orders. Customizable spectrums. Mounting hardware included. Lol
hah! lets get what, 2? or 3? Kinda depends on what the final flowering set up is, and how much we drop and when, i guess… and if these can be a part of flowering set up, then we'll just have to add the reds (and blues?) separately, after . But not too much after! Its getting to be a jungle! This china will only suffice for so long! I guess we could always SxS the 400w china vs our 400w Don DIY then upgrade to whatever wins that battle! hahaha i wonder what side that would be
hah! lets get what, 2? or 3? Kinda depends on what the final flowering set up is, and how much we drop and when, i guess… and if these can be a part of flowering set up, then we'll just have to add the reds (and blues?) separately, after . But not too much after! Its getting to be a jungle! This china will only suffice for so long! I guess we could always SxS the 400w china vs our 400w Don DIY then upgrade to whatever wins that battle! hahaha i wonder what side that would be
Well these bars i'm planning will just use cobs, no red or blue diodes. That will keep cost and labour down. They will be solder free and should only take a few hours to build. Being passively cooled and with the cobs running in series each bar will have only one plug. I think my original concept with the semi-passive 660nm wings should take a back seat for awhile so we can set you up. Its almost too simple not to. Besides you have all those light thirsty ladies there. I got some herbs. Any amount of light you add is going to be a benefit. That china light has done well. I think getting some cobs in there early and seeing what they can do will make it an easy transition for when it does go. Three bars would likely replace it and then some in terms of luminous flux but in terms of PAR should blow it away. DIY builds are taking over as they maximize efficiency and are highly customizable.