I think the most relaxing thing I've done, along with melting into a sofa on deem, was eat a organic brownie that had at least ten strains in it..
Nothing quite like it..
That cocobis oil hits you instantly.. Something to do with how its processed immediately by the liver
Especially if using a recipe anything like stow's.
-Anyways, can you get leaf mold right now, most likely not but just gotta ask I would like to see the earth blend employed..
(Kinda will determine the recipes direction)
...if not, no prob, just means you need:
1) aeration,
2) a nice well rinsed fluffy-pithy
coir, free of large chunks/salt/shell pieces etc
castings, the more local the more insane you gotta try adding even just a bit,of your own, is not to be underestimated..and cheap to start and easy to maintain.
We did 100 day Sativas in one gallons water only, and smart pots no less, they finished glossy, some of them, very unreal.
4) a bit of
dirt. The blacker, more humusy, less peaty, the better..
This is our way and some of the secrets to our style working with itself..
That's base.
its cheap to order a coir brick that expands into lots of gallons btw.
(Dp knows the link on that in Canada .. Stow has to know the cuts for USA .)
**What we should do is compile a list of suppliers in north america ideally world wide since riu is so international, that bump certified base ingredients, not to mention worm farmers world wide, cause real living wigglers add immense value in their exudates and tunnels they form, anyone reading teaming with microbes knows that..**
But yea going with 100L / 25gal batches makes it easy. Add one bag this one bag that etc.
Then you have a no till bed in a giant tub and its high power and low maintenance ..
Divisible as you please..
You could mix it in a way that you plant right in it..tho of course I recc a smooth mellow always amigo
@DonPetro here's your beast bean.. This top is 30 inches off centre and way on the other corner of the bed..