The Dow hasn’t gained a point in 20 months


Well-Known Member
Let's review what I said:

Read that 10 times and see if it sinks in.
You have a lot to learn about investing. I encourage you to read and get on board. Secure your family’s worth while our great president is in office
I'm gonna say, 'nope'. Lol

I hear Ross Perot's Great Sucking Sound. It's getting louder. Is that because it's getting closer or are we already circling the drain?


Well-Known Member
No sir. That should have said my*. I have a vanguard fund investing in the s&p500. Trump is making America great again!!! Putting money in your pockets and helping the future of your kids and the USA.

I encourage you invest while we have the best president in the past 20 years. Can you say bull market??? Thank you trump!
Does “bull market “ mean “hasn’t gained a point in 18 months”?

Because if so then it’s s bull market


Well-Known Member
“The American middle class is falling deeper into debt to maintain a middle-class lifestyle.

Cars, college, houses and medical care have become steadily more costly, but incomes have been largely stagnant for two decades, despite a recent uptick. Filling the gap between earning and spending is an explosion of finance into nearly every corner of the consumer economy.

Consumer debt, not counting mortgages, has climbed to $4 trillion—higher than it has ever been even after adjusting for inflation. Mortgage debt slid after the financial crisis a decade ago but is rebounding.”

Winning!!!! Hell yeah.


Well-Known Member
Dow is down 600 points today so far.

Oh...and the S&P 500 continues on its worst month in living memory.


Well-Known Member
He sure rocked the markets this week. Down over 600 when I checked a minute ago. But check why and see they’re not going to quickly rebound. Start with China devaluing their currency. Watch Trump do likewise. Watch the purchasing power of your dollar go down.


Well-Known Member
-721 now.... turned it from MSNBC to CNBC to get away from the doom and gloom to see that.

China suspended purchasing agriculture products. Trumps trade war is spooking the market.