The Dreaded Budrot


Well-Known Member
Hey BLT,Theres supposed to be a light rain here 2nite,I went out and put a large black construction trash bag over my last GDP. With the humidity so high here is that a BAD idea???
Think you'd be better off with something more like a lean to. Something to keep direct rain off the plant, yet still let airflow. With a bag you will seal in any heat from the daytime which will condense to moisture as the night cools.

Hope this helps,


Well-Known Member

Here's something I dug up from a long time friend.

Potassium Sorbate

[FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]APPLICATIONS[/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]Potassium Sorbate is used as [/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]a mold, bacterial and yeast inhibitor and as a fungistatic agent in foods. It is also used in co[/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]smetics, pharmaceutical, tobacco and f[/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]lavoring [/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]products. [/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic,Arial]In wines, it is to prevent the secondary fermentation of residual sugar.[/FONT]

1tsp per litre of water with a couple drops of dish soap. Spray affected areas.

This should be readily available there with the home brewing and wine industry. He said he has used this in the past in greenhouse conditions for salvage purposes.

Let me know,