The dreaded WPM - Quick Question


Active Member
So im breakin into what seems like the third week of my flowering period and everything's going relatively smoothly since my last post/update.

My plant definitely has some dat WPM because ive had very minor break outs on the lower smaller leaves throughout the vegetative period. And im talkin super small cause ive been all over it like flies on shit. Just been sprayin my plant down with
1/4 Cup Hydro Perox 3%
Liter H20

So when she started to flower, it was all gravy, no signs of the WPM at all, stopped the spraying when the buds really started to show. Fast forward to now, maybe 1-2 weeks later i got some more (but minor) outbreaks. Pulled off 3 small green leaves today.

Moved my plant in from the outside since it was cloudy and rainy and got her under a 500W HPS in a lil box, temps, maybe the change or the lil bit of rain made it act up.

Anyways, I always like to give a lot of supplemental information before asking my question, so I'm just wondering, cause I really couldnt find a solid answer on this. Can i keep spraying down my plant even with buds on it? Will it be safe? I know h202 is just h20 with an extra oxygen molecule that evaporates pretty quick, but I wanna be sure. The buds are still pretty small, no fatter then your pointing finger(if you dont work labor, or have the genetics of a bear). Itd be so much easier than having to sit and spray every single leaf.

EDIT: Forgot to post a pic of the buds just because.


Well-Known Member
Powdery mildew? What does the W stand for in WPM?

It's systemic and will keep coming back at you for rest of grow. H2O2 is safe to use in flowering. Green Cure and Actinovate also safe and I rotate the daily spray between those 3 products when I get PM and never have an issue come harvest. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
In my area everything outside has pm (the w stands for white by the way). On my outdoor stuff it.never really becomes an issue unless the plant isn't healthy. But a healthy plant tends to fight it off pretty well.

As for indoor I had it in the beginning. Up until I removed all carpet/fabric in the room the veg and flower were in. I then lined the entire floor and a third of the walls and washed everything with bleach.