The dream is dead.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Sad but true. The aussie dream is dead.

"The Great Australian Dream is different to the American dream.
I actually have no idea what the American Dream is, and none of my American friends can explain it either, no matter how erudite they may be, so I assume it’s something to do with eagles and freedom and bombing poor countries so they too can die for freedom. Or something. Americans know they have a dream, but they’re not quite sure what it is. How’s that for successful propaganda?"

"The Great Australian Dream is different to the American dream.
I actually have no idea what the American Dream is, and none of my American friends can explain it either, no matter how erudite they may be, so I assume it’s something to do with eagles and freedom and bombing poor countries so they too can die for freedom.

To me, the American dream is what you make of it

By no stretch is everything here perfect....

This is my own American dream -
I do my best every single day to be respectful, polite, fair and honest. I treat people how I want to be treated

The dream is different for everyone

Also, don't forget about another American Dream.....


In round numbers the American Dream is that if you work hard, play by the rules, you will be better off than your parents. It's been a while since that has been the case.
I place our economic and social apogee at right around the time we stopped flying Saturn V rockets. Electing the B-movie actor to become our first kleptocrat deficit spender was the next serious inflection point.
Doesn't he own some 80% of the Australian News market, both television and newspapers? I bet the conservative (bowel) movement would have a much tougher time without him.
I'm not sure its that high but he does controll a lot of it.
"The high newspaper industry ownership concentration was largely due to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp which, at the time, controlled 57% of the newspaper market by circulation. "
Sad but true. The aussie dream is dead.

"The Great Australian Dream is different to the American dream.
I actually have no idea what the American Dream is, and none of my American friends can explain it either, no matter how erudite they may be, so I assume it’s something to do with eagles and freedom and bombing poor countries so they too can die for freedom. Or something. Americans know they have a dream, but they’re not quite sure what it is. How’s that for successful propaganda?"

Their dream is a gun for everyone!! :P