The dream is dead.

Are you ignorant or just trying to be “that guy”? The American dream was not invented by nor have I ever seen it a part of any native nations.
Sometimes and sometimes. I'm pretty sure we had an original American already comment on their version of the American dream and it didn't involve travelling to a country they were born and already live in.
The American dream changes depending on what American comments.
Most who comment even have at least two dreams.
The aussie dream is much simpler, albeit getting harder and harder to attain.
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Sometimes and sometimes. I'm pretty sure we had an original American already comment on their version of the American dream and it didn't involve travelling to a country they were born and already live in.
The American dream changes depending on what American comments.
Most who comment even have at least two dreams.
The aussie dream is much simpler, albeit getting harder and harder to attain.
What's the Aussie dream?
You really should read the original post. Its well written and an enjoyable read and a little bit scary. The aussie dream is home ownership. Simple dream for simple peoples.

I'll repost:
And one more thing I just can't get my head around; Australia is BIG. No one can tell me that there's not enough room for 100 million citizens and you've got a quarter that many.

So what's the damn deal with crazy house prices? Market manipulation.
You say that but the American dream isnt. This thread proves that the article is correct and Americans don't know what their dream is.
The younger generations in America despair of ever being able to afford a home (unless their folks buy them one).

So yeah, it's dead here too. Wealth concentration isn't nearly as bad in Australia yet; your GINI coefficient is .33

The United States' GINI coefficient is .49

Higher coefficient is bad for being able to afford things.
And one more thing I just can't get my head around; Australia is BIG. No one can tell me that there's not enough room for 100 million citizens and you've got a quarter that many.

So what's the damn deal with crazy house prices? Market manipulation.
Guessing many, many reasons. Number one we all like to live close to the beach. Which is fair and reasonable and that's also where the majority of the work is. Its also where goods and services are a hell of a lot cheaper. The "the tyranny of distance" .
Australia uses migrant intake as a revenue stream. Its why we really don't see recessions and financial crises, not saying we don't get them- my dad lost a mill when a mill was lots of money, in fact he lost it twice. Over extending is the issue here with how our interest rates work- which is very different from your home loan stable rates. We sailed though the GFC for eg with growth. We just open up more slots for migrants and up goes revenue. Is it fool proof? IDK but its worked well so far.

Case in point:
The last financial year was a good one for the S&P/ASX 200 Index (ASX: XJO). The benchmark index carved out a sizeable return of 9.7% for the period.3 July 2023

  • Border closures during the pandemic saw Australian net overseas migration drop to -85,000 in 2020-2021
  • Australia is expected to catch up to its pre-pandemic net overseas migration forecasts by 2029-30
So we should see growth for the next 7 years. Which means housing is a safe bet and should unfortunately rise for the next 7 years. Our dollar is low to the US at the moment to so exports should do well for a bit.
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And one more thing I just can't get my head around; Australia is BIG. No one can tell me that there's not enough room for 100 million citizens and you've got a quarter that many.

So what's the damn deal with crazy house prices? Market manipulation.
I was south of Hobart yesterday- on the edge of the Southern ocean and coming back home i took this picture of Hobart. Hobart is one of Australia's oldest cities- older than Melbourne. Its also a city with one of if not the biggest house pricing growth in Oz and one of the least affordable places to rent, and yes that's in comparison to Sydney and Melbourne. But damn isn't it set in a beautiful location? No sky scrapers allowed.
