Professional People of the Weed has confirmed time & time again that 100% Organically grown Bud is richer, fuller in Body, less harsh & better all-around than plants grown with chemicals. The yield itself can be as much or more than chemically grown plants. Look at FDD's outdoor grow for example. However, the heart of the issue is to follow the money. The analogy that something is 'Dirt Cheap' is the core of the Organic VS Chemically grown plants. The Dirt people has no Board of Directors, big Refineries, Share Holders, etc. They don't spend Billions of dollars marketing their product. Feasibility & Sales Experts are not hired to create eye-candy for the masses. Promises of Jack & the Bean Stalk is not advertised. The Wind People does not place Adds. at considerable cost to promote their turbulence. The Sun People does not brag about it's powerful Lumens, wattage, light moving ability, nor the natural vitamins & other natural health enhancing attributes. Worm Castings is the most nutrient enriched source known to man, to date. The Spokesman for the Worm People has gone to ground, not to be bothered with the rise & fall of the Stock Market. And let's not forget the Little People. All of the micro-organisms & bacterial Tribes that work 24/7 to create the perfect balance for all life forms. Working together millimeter by millimeter, the Worm People & the Little People mend a perfectly balanced fabric to found the perfect structure for all plant life. The healthy plant life then supports the higher-ups, Animals, People, etc. Trying to copy that perfect balance is where the great divide begins between natural & made-made. The Wright Brothers Plane was a great feat to mankind. Compared to the Humming Bird, we should be humbled. Wasn't that the plan? To copy the bird of flight? The comparison between the two is really embarrassing. Let's look at modern day examples of man trying to copy a perfect balance & the money trail.
Once again, just like last year, Rover the dog, & Fluffy the cat has fleas again. During prime time TV, advertisements costing literally $1,000's of dollars per second proclaims that our loved Pets can be free of Fleas & Ticks from just one drop of Holy Water. Any responsible pet owner worth their weight in salt would at least be compassionate enough to rid Rover & Fluffy of the constant torment inflicting the pets. A browse through the Vet's waiting room will show a vast display of advertisements of one-stop-shopping. Peace on earth for only $20. per drop, every 30 days. But what choice do we have, for the sake of our pets? The Vet. & his Staff does not want to talk about the "Other" little people. I had really hoped that the Vets. cared more about the pets than the pet dollar. Not so. It's all about the buck. The Organic solution is buying Beneficial Nematodes. The cost is terrible, $7.00 to $10.00 for 1 to 2 million Nematodes. If fed & watered properly, they will de-flea your yard in 3 weeks. After a month, you'll want to invite the owners of flea ridden dogs over to feed the now, 8 million nematodes. Of course they eat ants, termites, grasshoppers, grub worms,etc., but I'm not getting paid to advertise.
The point thus far is to show where man has failed miserably at attempting to mimic the natural & balanced order of things. I must admit that in the early 80's, I too thought Miracle Grow & Peter's Plant Food was the greatest thing since... Pink Floyd. For an instant effect, it appears to be a wonderful thing. The plants appearance suddenly glows with vigor. It's a beautiful thing. Surely I've done the right thing since the plant is SO healthy looking! Right? Can't compete with this type of result! Stay tuned for part 2.