The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
Ive worked on that confused~stupid look, with the finger point.!!! Lol and now that i have the criplet card to play it never fails...:)


Well-Known Member
poor MrsM... she is gonna show up and find this mess we made in her thread and beat us all :p


Well-Known Member
huh? what? im a little lost....

im going to attempt spending the day updating on my people's journals....

im eating a nice turkey sandwich and im about to roll up and get to reading!
{sitting on MrBlunts Knee,,, head aganst his chest.... looking up....}
MrBlunts....??? long pause....
how come da kids act like this when you aint around??


Well-Known Member
Good recovering, and still trying to get the wall up and ditch all plastic.. So any pic's and how is da bunny today.!!! Me:)


Well-Known Member
nawwwwwwwwww been busy canning dilly beans freezing green beans an blackberry picking got a 5 of rasberry co2 going.... and one crazy week... just a really crazy week I pm'ed you about


Well-Known Member

they had bannanas N apples N molassis N MG. N Open sesame N ya know if ya give em coffee they are UP ALL NIGHT!!! could be da lights....ya know these little piggys have been eatting 2 bannanas each every week for a while now.
tomomorrow they will get a nice little drink of fresh thundstorm rain water
that was just caught in da buckets....
As well they like the Rasberry CO2...
But are really Looking forward to MrsMcGreggors Favorite... The Blackberry CO2...


Well-Known Member
Lol agreed lb' she comes for help,,, and ends up schooling us...!!! In life co2 and yard work,,, then.....................................!!!


ima be walking into stuff for the day now... Very nice "bunny"!!! With all those bananas have u checked for monkeys in that tree.!!! :):) db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
mrblunts... did ya notice how them is falling off the table....
this is the wounded baby... the other one well thats WAY bigger..
but the hairy limbs are just starting to really develope. ya know thats going to be the bigger plant. it is amazing 2 plants treated the same well asside from almost splitting one in half can be soooooooooooo differnt

HI HI THC..... or should i say little Johnny apple seed...
ya know dem like da apple juice to


Well-Known Member
what MY mentor says WHAT????
are you kidding me.... LOL LOL thats high praise indeed.
no im not.

you know what you're just needed some guidance in this particular plant species?

plus i could learn about the hydroponic heating system and the wine

i want to know it all!


Well-Known Member
mrblunts... did ya notice how them is falling off the table....
this is the wounded baby... the other one well thats WAY bigger..
but the hairy limbs are just starting to really develope. ya know thats going to be the bigger plant. it is amazing 2 plants treated the same well asside from almost splitting one in half can be soooooooooooo differnt

HI HI THC..... or should i say little Johnny apple seed...
ya know dem like da apple juice to
yea i seen them....they are looking great! im proud!


Well-Known Member
There will be a wine making class comming up....
a long distance wine making class....
could prove to be fun. looks like it is a definate triple batch of blackberrys
{thats a LOT of picking} have had Mountain star out gathering. so we will be making wine together. I have the tools. he has the stuff I sent to him. so i figure i can keep pretty good track of alchol content here with the hydromiter and convey info long distance that way. should prove to be fun.