The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
I know I know was rather easy to figure out.....
but i thought perhaps it may entice some young foolish sole
who has never experanced da bunny.


Well-Known Member
but if you don't mind I feel so awwwwwwww...
I printed out the info for the carbon scrubber. upon at last getting to home depot
by way of a MrMcgreggor rescue mission.. Ya he broke down a LONGGGGGGG way from home. the price to get me to give him a ride was Home depot. lol lol lol I am standing there looking at the parts list only {tore off everything else said a little to much if I found a store clerk.} and all of a sudden went brain dead.
if you have an end cap on your scrubber how is it supposto blow the air threw the scrubber threw the duct? I came home with rubber grommets. perlite. and pots. I didn't even dare get the duct if you said 6 inch fan adapt a 6 inch scrubber to a 8 inch duct.
or 6 inch fan adapt a 4 inch scrubber to a 6.....8..... heavens what? size duct and how the heck do you install I even had the instructions there and i couldn't figure out how the air could go threw and out a duct unless its in the duct BUT then theres that solid cap on the end. talk about feeling dumb...... but I backed off and didn't make a mistake.
so I have to ask....
how do i get air to go threw the scrubber... and make it outside threw the chimney using THAT carbon scrubber design????


Well-Known Member
seems like you shouldent have a solid cap on the end for it would block the air flow
Using that design the air is sucked or pulled into the filter through the carbon filter wrapped around the screen,if you did not have the ends cap air would not pass through the carbon filter,it would just be pulled in from the open end,passing right by the carbon filter instead of being filtered.


Well-Known Member
ok that kind of makes sence. so with a 6 inch fan....outside enclosed garden space
you insert a _______ size carbon filter.......
into a _________ size duct......
that hooks into a 8 inch duct hole.......
that go's up a 2 story building.....
Please just fill in the blanks and BY golly I will have it.
I know this may seem like man its so easy.... but I honestly don't want to
goof this up when I worked so hard. and got this far. but I will tell ya when I stood in
home depot. my little torn list in hand and knew dang well I best not to ask anyone there and say what I am making it was gosh.....what do I do what do I do??


Well-Known Member
Do you plan on using a 6" fan to push through a carbon filter and 2 stories worth of duct work? What is the CFM rating on your fan?

I am asking because I am dubious a 6" fan will be adequate for the task.


Well-Known Member
and it is not a duct up two storys..... its rather to a brick chimney that go's up 2 storys
so I don't change the integrety of the outside of the house to much and raise any eyebrows... and I really liked the idea of the smell if any not being at ground level....


Well-Known Member
OK - so you are just ducting into the chimney and using convection to allow the hot air to rise out? that sounds fine. i was worried the fan would not function well.


Well-Known Member
so back to fill in the blank
ok that kind of makes sence. so with a 6 inch fan....outside enclosed garden space
you insert a _______ size carbon filter.......
into a _________ size duct......
that hooks into a 8 inch duct hole.......
that go's up a 2 story building.....


Well-Known Member
I figured if I made sure NOW... Latter when I take MrMcGreggor Back to get his truck after wheel bearing repair.
I will stop again at the depot and be secure in the facts so I don't goof this up and disappoint you fellers....


Well-Known Member
Just figured you may want an Update.
No I did not fall in the basement and not get up. But have been rather busy. almost done with the framing to the enclosure. MrMcGreggor is stoping by after work for a few more 2x4's and drywall. got the Light mover.. Whahoo....
got MrMcGreggors truck back... yipee.... but dident get the duct yet.
so I am going to copie and paste this again Please do answeer. for after the CRAZY discussion last night about a 4 bend duck going threw a 8 inch space behind the hydronic Board. I need all the help I can from you fellers to support the proper way of doing this. weather you relise it or not I copie and paste and print what you tell me and present it and it keeps from arguments transpiring.... so .....
fill in the blanks...
so with a 6 inch fan....outside enclosed garden space
you insert a _______ size carbon filter.......
into a _________ size duct......
that hooks into a 8 inch duct hole.......
that go's up a 2 story building.....


Well-Known Member
the size of the carbon filter itself depends soley on the rooms dimensions

as far as the really wont matter, you can get duct reducers


Well-Known Member
Entrance to garden room I built is 5 feet long 3 feet wide....
the garden room is 8 feet long by 6 feet wide and strong 6 foot hight.
the duct WILL only have ONE bend to turn to go to the 8 Inch chim. Hole. from the garden room. so I thought 6 inch duct runs 5 feet from garden room threw the rock wall threw the entrence. STOP....install - Fan....install -Carbon filter inside the duct now that runs 4 feet STOP... Make a turn....STOP.... now runs 3 feet to the 8 inch hole that can not be changed. and up the chim.

I could make a 6 inch carbon filter and drop that in an 8 inch duct out side the room,
and NOT reduce it at all......
Or I could make a 4 inch carbon filter stuff it in a 6 inch duct make the one bend and reduce it to the 8 inch pipe that is there already.
the fan is 309 cfm and I kind of figured that would totaly exchange the air in the garden room in 2 Min or under doing it the email way with the 3 passive intake idea. with a nice fan to circulate the air. I should mention I do infact have an access to fresh air intake
its just so blasted cold here so much I fear that COLD air could kill my plants. like leaving the door open to the house will frost bite anything to close to the open door.
so with all this said I will have to ask again
fill in the blanks...
so with a 6 inch fan....outside enclosed garden space
you insert a _______ size carbon filter.......
into a _________ size duct......
that hooks into a 8 inch duct hole.......
that go's up a 2 story building.....