the drug picture part 2


New Member
wow i thought X for more harmful then that damn. Theres no dependence for cannabis its more of just like people fuck there own minds into being addicted to it compared to tobacco where its chemically addicting.


Well-Known Member
There are no known addictive chemicals in marijuana so it excludes it self by chemical composition as a drug. Also drugs are known to be harmful and marijuana is not unless smoked - smoking is harmful no matter what.

The dependency is mental. So maybe that is why people would consider it a drug.


Well-Known Member
Mental, and it manifests itself in physical form... So it's a fine line, sort of a gray area..
End ignorance!


Well-Known Member
what abot opiate pills? Are those up there with ron? I know they are bad but if they are so bad why are they so easy to get? oxy


New Member
I don't believe that that chart is accurate.

Unless you're a retarded monkey that believes every thing you see, "Oh, well look at that it's on a chart so it must be true. I'm definitely making these drugs illegal!" XD!
BTW; what was me impersonating everyone who OK'd the War on Drugs, didn't know if you got that.
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Well-Known Member
yeah meth does more harm than coke from what I have seen. People that are 35 years look they are on their death bed and look like 75 years old. Maybe its because they use it nonstop too. That stuff ruins your life big time. I am glad I was never into it. My body doesn't like it at all.


Well-Known Member
ya it has alot more of a dependency thing than it shows and does alot more physical harm
have u ever seen the sores on meth heads and shit its discusting


Well-Known Member
and cannibis is worse than solvents?!? No way. Weed should be at 0 on both sides. No harm no dependance. Might make you hungry and fall asleep. What about booze. That has to be one of the worst things for you if used in excess. If I drank a tall boy everytime I smoked bud...... man oh man.


Well-Known Member
haha man
and ya i heard of crack
3 of my best freinds used to be addicted to it
the one burnt his bottom and top lip one night fell asleep later when he woke up the two burns healed together so he had to rip his lips apart
.....then he went and bought more crack
but meth is worse than crack in my opinon


Well-Known Member is khat....whatever...middle of the chart sounds like a comfortable place to be to me. ha:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks for bumping my thread, i can't believe i couldn't find cannabis when i posted it. i looked, i thought "THC has to be included", whatever...

i would put alcohol and tobacco higher in both categories. cocaine and heroin lower...

i couldn't quit drinking if i tried but i came off heroin and coke fine, both cold turkey with only a deviate septum to show for it. my liver is a testament to how harmful alcohol is.