The Drunk Thread!

I know I want a Long Island now dammit.


It's good when we don't have less more? haha I really like the one that they have been playing lately with the little girl who wants to be a slow turtle. Boy, has that little girl's mother been feeding her a line of BS or what? lol
I gotta say this ones my favorite just from how excited the other girl in the group gets there like OMGEEEERRRRRRD That idea blew their mind lol

^^^^That's the one. lmao


Im going to date myself here but TLC's Crazy Sexy Cool album was the first CD I ever bought I was fucking like 6 years old at the time. Good lord.

Even though I was young I knew Left Eye was were it was at.
Im going to date myself here but TLC's Crazy Sexy Cool album was the first CD I ever bought I was fucking like 6 years old at the time. Good lord.

Even though I was young I knew Left Eye was were it was at.
I'm sure you know that I'm a classic rocker at heart, but I loved that tlc album. Yes, I have the cd.

I also really like these guys (girls).

Music is music is music. Its all self expression which I think is lacking today. Everything sounds the same when I turn on the radio and then Ill here a sample that was butchered and it'll make me angry. On top of that no one knows its a sample and thats where the straw breaks my camels back. Cause if they listened to the original they'd be like that shits weak but then a sample is used of that song and their dicks are harder than FinShaggy looking up how to make money on the internet.

God I miss 90's-early 2000's Hip hop. Its like once it went from east to west to south and midwest it went generic there was no more new sounds or something I dont know.


I once wrote a open letter to MTV about such things but never sent it. lol

ANything decent these days is underground underrated artists
No one takes pride in lyrics these days.

One of the most prolific lyricists I have ever heard

You said it all there regarding the music of today. I like at least a little bit of every type of music, but 95% of what I enjoy is 15+ years old. It is so rare that I hear anything new that really grabs me. I also have noticed what you mentioned about younger people hearing a new release and not even realizing that it has been done before, and much better. It pisses me off, as well. The good thing is, music goes in cycles. It looks like it's going to take some time, but eventually music will enter another golden age. At this point, I think it is unfortunately still a long way away.

I am being called to skype, so I have to run. It could take a while, but I'll come back if I can.


Cmon its 7 on the west coast where are the drunkies ?
Thats How Rough Rider Roooowllll


I miss childhood, this was album was a huge influence on me