The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
Fuck whisky son! Almost as bad as tequila!

I seriously only drink one thing, I don't want to buy a bottle then not be able to drink it so I never try new stuff

Time to get started :D Where you at Hep?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Fuck whisky son! Almost as bad as tequila!

I seriously only drink one thing, I don't want to buy a bottle then not be able to drink it so I never try new stuff

Time to get started :D Where you at Hep?
he's working 3rd shift/graveyard tonight. you're on your own :(

I don't drink that much but I can act drunk and chat with ya if you need a friend, lol


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm got my wine shipment of a dozen bottles of fancy imports recently. Bout a bottle deep right now O_O
I cracked a chianti tonight, and had some steak with it when I got off :) now the steak is gone and I'm just smashing the bottle.

Purple teeth!


Well-Known Member
Fuck whisky son! Almost as bad as tequila!

I seriously only drink one thing, I don't want to buy a bottle then not be able to drink it so I never try new stuff

Time to get started :D Where you at Hep?
damn, sorry I missed the fun. Would have been cool to get in a drunken immoral debate with ya :)

This weekend tho.. IT'S ON :spew:


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm got my wine shipment of a dozen bottles of fancy imports recently. Bout a bottle deep right now O_O
I cracked a chianti tonight, and had some steak with it when I got off :) now the steak is gone and I'm just smashing the bottle.

Purple teeth!
i remember my fancy import days...
white zin anyone