The Drunk Thread!

Well crap. Nobody wantsh to play with the blashted bear. cn


I'm imagining that being said with the Sean Connery voice.


NO Mr. Bond - I expect you to DIE!!
All right, people.....It's Friday night and if you live in the US it's also the beginning of an extended holiday weekend.:hump:

I may be getting an early start, but I can't be the only one sucking down some sweet suds tonight.

Let's do this.

17 minutes in and I'm cracking open beer #3. haha I'll be slurring my words a bit here in another hour or two.

Friday night, who's partying tonight?

I think my tolerance went way down recently, I've been drinking 1/4 of what I normally do and it's lights out!

I've never heard of that happening, unless you took a long break, as in a year or more. My limit is about a case of beer, but after I quit for many years, when I started up again I could only handle 3 or 4. After just a couple nights of drinking (all 3-4 months apart) I was back to being able to handle larger amounts once again.
My ultimate goal for tonight.....


I'm aiming high, aren't I?:-P