the dudes cup of coffee


New Member
alright once again i gotta post sum pics man just because i gotta show u guys how bad i need that tent to hurry up and get it's ass here so i can spread everything out. the bubbleponics is gettin out of control man there's five plants in there each like thirteen inches the one is closer to seventeen(it's the first one that got tied 1st becuz it was way bigger than the others.



New Member
man u know i been postin a lot of pics on my journal lately but fuk it if i wanna liven my shit up why shouldn't i? and i also found this on the forums page man i wish i had a bong like that right about now!


New Member
i think i'm gonna make the switch next week i've already got my other light to throw in the mix. i just need to acquire sum bud blood and sum bud ignitor then it's on and poppin.


New Member
hey man I actually found some root rot in the reservoir of the plant showing nute issues, so I swapped a new res in and added a larger and newer diffuser in case the old one is clogged up, and I should see the plant rejuvenate soon. hopefully it only lost a couple of days to those issues, but its possible that its been bogged for up to two weeks.

also rearranged and shiz feng shui the plants you know. nice tent dude, make sure you run a fan inside of it I had that problem with flimsy plants and no fans.


New Member
yeah that's fucked up that's why i copped the baddest air pump i could find that was within my electrical restraints. and i'm runnin three 5" round airstones it's bubblelicious in my rez. although i want to find airstone that have a finer bubblelation factor u kno what i mean.


New Member
yeah that's fucked up that's why i copped the baddest air pump i could find that was within my electrical restraints. and i'm runnin three 5" round airstones it's bubblelicious in my rez. although i want to find airstone that have a finer bubblelation factor u kno what i mean.

Yeah take a look at the flexible diffusers available in 12", 24", 48" they are really good thats what I use but they won't necessarily last, one of them clogged. The other didnt. Seems like any airstones will clog at some point, I have air discs with perforations that are like 1 mm across though and they will never clog but are quite loud because they make huge bubbles.


Well-Known Member
yeah that's fucked up that's why i copped the baddest air pump i could find that was within my electrical restraints. and i'm runnin three 5" round airstones it's bubblelicious in my rez. although i want to find airstone that have a finer bubblelation factor u kno what i mean.
Hey dude i see things are looking mighty bushy in there.I havent been around lately,so damn busy.Glad ur cup of coffee turned into a full pot. Man if u want hella small bubbles check these out I got a grat deal on two of the doubles for 50 bucks and they kick ass.Micro bubbles all thru the res,they need a strong pump to run them though.havent been thru ur whole journal but i will.


New Member
hey miztaj wats up man long time no see, bet u never seen this comin cuz? thanx for the linx dudes its nice to see that others arew around here to help as i do when i can. i gues it's that whole karma thing. anywaz her's sum pics i got in there the other day and had to cut holes in the bottom of the soil pot so i can add more depth to the root system as they were nice and root bound and my plant was showing definite signs of this. no problem, a little tough though considering i did it with my pocket knife but it was good for me i've been pretty lazy since gettin laid off. they are fine now and back to full health. i'm kinda mad it took me so long to finally get around to doing it though man. i'm also gonna have to do it again befor i star flowering i want the root system to be able to get as big as it would like to. and u better believe they will get big cuz the voodoo and piranha i give em guarantees this.
-edit- says here's sum pics but this site is fukin up as usual and won't let me upload chek bak later they are lookin real good since they have had a few daze to spread out. not totally on their own though my trusty string and duct tape have been there to help as alwayz


New Member
aight posted a pic elsewhere of lil bertha(my air pump) so it seems that everything is up and runnin again. first pic is the soil plants clearly root locked and then the next one is them healthy again then just sum various angle of the beautiful bushiness that is my tent.:weed::clap::shock: