The earth needs oil!!!


Well-Known Member
It would not be there if it didn't have some use. There is nothing that occurs in nature for no reason at all. Just for reason which we can't understand due to our programing "learned Knowledge. Here is where the world is tearing apart causeing earthquakes. What if it were built through a completely organic intellegent design. What if the pockets of oil are really pooled there to distribute around the world and under the worlds oceans. So crude essential lubes the rock and earth so it can move at a slow rare without much force. When it builds up and theres no lube a tear happens somewhere. Its just a thought.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
WHat if the earth needs the metals where they were too? what if it disturbed the megnetic balance to remove them ? hehehe, its fun being stoned.


New Member
Here's a little secret... the oil fields are replenishing themselves every day. Many abandoned wells from 40 years ago are now profitable again. It never ends. Someday you will be oil.


Active Member
Finally an answer from a wise man or woman, whatever. We need oil. Its in paint, plastic, even the machines that weeve string together to make the clothes your wearing right now are lubricated with oil. I say drill and drill somemore. we can never have enough

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Oil is alright,but there is a better and cheaper oil available.Oil from hemp seed.It takes less refineing to make,and is better than a petrolium based oil.It can be grown anywhere in the usa,no need for more drilling.
Henry Ford used hemp to make plastic for cars,but was shot down by men with alot of money invested in oil.
It also can be used for clothes,you can make fabrics fro hemp that are hard to tell it from silk.The seed can be grownd up and used to feed starving children in Africa,the seeds are high in protein.
This country needs to stop depending on foreign oil.We need to put people to work here and keep our money here.Grow hemp.OPH


Well-Known Member
Oil is alright,but there is a better and cheaper oil available.Oil from hemp seed.It takes less refineing to make,and is better than a petrolium based oil.It can be grown anywhere in the usa,no need for more drilling.
Henry Ford used hemp to make plastic for cars,but was shot down by men with alot of money invested in oil.
It also can be used for clothes,you can make fabrics fro hemp that are hard to tell it from silk.The seed can be grownd up and used to feed starving children in Africa,the seeds are high in protein.
This country needs to stop depending on foreign oil.We need to put people to work here and keep our money here.Grow hemp.OPH
very well said. we should stop oil drilling once and for all and put that energy in to hemp.. 2000 dif textiles can be made from hemp..

a pair of hemp pants will never streach and loose there shape for 100 years....

hemp paper never gos yellow .. ppl have found documents wriiten on hemp paper from 2000 years ago and there are still white

1 aker of hemp being used for paper replaces 4 akers of trees for the same purpose

ist amazing what hemp can do


New Member
I'll go with dropping the foreign oil. We have plenty right here. Lots of high paying jobs and plenty of oil and gas. If only the govt. will get out of the way. There is the rub however. I've come to the conclusion that the govt. doesn't want us to be free from foreign oil. They are the true culprits.


Well-Known Member
Hemp clothing that isn't only hippy shit looking. like some good work pants and socks, if it can be un itchy i'd like a pair of socks that would last ten years. How about a microfiber type mix of cotton and hemp to make the ultimate badadd breathing strong organic socks. And TOWELS >>>>>>>>


Well-Known Member
Yo, we buy thier oil so they got something to sell. Otherwise they are in the desert and could only survive by taking over other nations. Thats what this is all about. That and drilling tends to kind of, detroying natural habitats......and the smoke and fires.....i thing that alot of the middle easterners are tired of the oil fields.....maybe thats where the low income people chill.....kinda like trailor parks around paper mills. If you can stand it, its cheap! But if you visit from elsewhere then you see it as deplorable, the smelly air and water........blahhhhh. Anyways, another way to fix this is legalization. How many people will really go beyond "legal Marijuana" Lets just say at any point in time you can get any type of weed you could think of......would you have ever looked for anything else? Plus we could use the seed as feed for livestock, but as oil it may be better. And how about make it a free market, no regulation. Make money on expansion, not make expansion exspensive. No substadys, no nonsense, make it nothing, (o).....make it based on global demand......have something that people can import and export internationally to bring PEACE....isn't that the message dammit. We only need to hear that work and home is sep. and at home you do as you please. Don't get high at work! Lets not fuck this thing up, it needs to be legal and available to mankind in order for progress to be made. After the first two or three times using marijuana there are no hallucinigenic effects at all. And Obama, you are not Reagan, and reagan had the computer come out, clinton the internet, Obama needs weed, its not like it would be that far out of line after what has been said. I bet he has no IDEA how many people wanna legalize, try, destigmative, this substance but just do not say so cause they just can't in fear of loosing all they have on a technicality cause somebosy doesn't like you or maybe you banged thier old lady a while back......what i am saying is that i feel that this is amonst the most important of important shit that needs to be done. Plus it could give us a chance to switch the iraq/iran/afgan market into hemp and med weed production instead of oil. maybe take all that money and do the grrenhouse ones too. We got ten% of the population unemployed and so many underemployed. Make a new industry so we can have some new entrapeneuars that are for everybody. The exclusiveness only makes the price go up. As for everything else, all other markets, they will rise when they realise that everything will go up from here. By god i know this, and with time only more go hungry. If you eat out watch people eat....silent, fast and completely. It is obvious that some familys are down to one meal a day......its fucked up. But they are eating. I have seen skinny people eat like snakes lately at buffets, and yes i watch people...but only when they are not looking....hahahaha...sounds creepy but stricty scientific! Anyways Hemp can make housing that is not only structure but insulation in the same board.....and you could build a modern house and pay for it on the spot or over a few years.....instead of the 30 screw like we all fall for......thanks financial sector! great idea! what now, everyones poor? if you get done pating your bills and got 250 bucks, are you still middleclass? In a middleclass society? Lets get this right, lets let the creative make the cash again....instead of being sneaky and legally stealing and scamming each other....evrywhere scam......a scam scam here, a scam scam there, everywhere a scam scam, scam me, scam me....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
ok, that one acre of hemp to 4 acre trees...hahahah.....what about the lumber and toothpicks and what have you. The paper is made from the leftover crap isn't it....or is it the center of the tree, either way i think the lumber Companies are like indians when it comes to trees. Amd they are cycling over 40 years so.....I think that hemp paper would be a premium item, as it is now.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
In the present day, any time you use the word "alternative", don't forget to add the word EXPENSIVE.
How do you come to that conclusion,are you comparing it to corn for ethanol.Hemp is cheap to produce,it takes less fertilizer,feild work,and processing cost are cheaper than any feild crop grown.Corn was the worst crop to use for ethanol just for the reasons above.On top of that you can add the increased cost for food now.
Your assumtion that "alternative" means expensive is wrong.Oil is way more costly on many levels,than many alternatives available.OPH


New Member
Well if you count in the DISTRIBUTION networks and infrastructure for hemp to compete with is more costly and certainly takes up land which could be used for food production. Corn and hemp have the same problem of all alternative fuels... it requires massive amounts of space.... green doesn't mean clean, it means it takes alot of green space to produce.


Well-Known Member
Its amazing how people conjure up these conspiracy theorys about the govt and what not, yet they do not use an ounce of their brains to use an educated guess.....

Oil is a necessity because of the industrial revolution.... remember that guy henry ford? ..made the model T? .... thank him for global warming... hell thank human nature to explore new horizons at all costs... thats the real problem. our inherent nature to ignore logic and think with our "hearts", or lack of.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
Its amazing how people conjure up these conspiracy theorys about the govt and what not, yet they do not use an ounce of their brains to use an educated guess.....

Oil is a necessity because of the industrial revolution.... remember that guy henry ford? ..made the model T? .... thank him for global warming... hell thank human nature to explore new horizons at all costs... thats the real problem. our inherent nature to ignore logic and think with our "hearts", or lack of.
You need to educate yourself,your statement above is just so much bull.Here is a link to prove you wrong.
The first diesel engine was designed to run on vegetable oils, one of which was hemp oil. In the 1930s Henry Ford produced an automobile composed of 70 percent hemp plastic which also ran on hemp based fuel and oil. In 2001 the "Hempcar" circled the North American continent powered by hemp oil.
You do not do the cause of marijuana reform any good passing out crap like that.OPH


Well-Known Member
Lol when did i say anything about MJ? ...Im talking in general about conspiracy theorists... I my self have my own theory's but without the real facts its only fiction.

.... you need to chill with the hatred budd

Also your lack of understanding towards my statement only reveals your own ignorance. IM sorry you dont understand what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists
A useful guide by Donna Ferentes

1. Arrogance. They are always fact-seekers, questioners, people who are trying to discover the truth: sceptics are always "sheep", patsies for Messrs Bush and Blair etc.

2. Relentlessness. They will always go on and on about a conspiracy no matter how little evidence they have to go on or how much of what they have is simply discredited. (Moreover, as per 1. above, even if you listen to them ninety-eight times, the ninety-ninth time, when you say "no thanks", you'll be called a "sheep" again.) Additionally, they have no capacity for precis whatsoever. They go on and on at enormous length.

3. Inability to answer questions. For people who loudly advertise their determination to the principle of questioning everything, they're pretty poor at answering direct questions from sceptics about the claims that they make.

4. Fondness for certain stock phrases. These include Cicero's "cui bono?" (of which it can be said that Cicero understood the importance of having evidence to back it up) and Conan Doyle's "once we have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth". What these phrases have in common is that they are attempts to absolve themselves from any responsibility to produce positive, hard evidence themselves: you simply "eliminate the impossible" (i.e. say the official account can't stand scrutiny) which means that the wild allegation of your choice, based on "cui bono?" (which is always the government) is therefore the truth.

5. Inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor. Aided by the principle in 4. above, conspiracy theorists never notice that the small inconsistencies in the accounts which they reject are dwarfed by the enormous, gaping holes in logic, likelihood and evidence in any alternative account.

6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad. Conspiracy theorists have no place for peer-review, for scientific knowledge, for the respectability of sources. The fact that a claim has been made by anybody, anywhere, is enough for them to reproduce it and demand that the questions it raises be answered, as if intellectual enquiry were a matter of responding to every rumour. While they do this, of course, they will claim to have "open minds" and abuse the sceptics for apparently lacking same.

7. Inability to withdraw. It's a rare day indeed when a conspiracy theorist admits that a claim they have made has turned out to be without foundation, whether it be the overall claim itself or any of the evidence produced to support it. Moreover they have a liking (see 3. above) for the technique of avoiding discussion of their claims by "swamping" - piling on a whole lot more material rather than respond to the objections sceptics make to the previous lot.

8. Leaping to conclusions. Conspiracy theorists are very keen indeed to declare the "official" account totally discredited without having remotely enough cause so to do. Of course this enables them to wheel on the Conan Doyle quote as in 4. above. Small inconsistencies in the account of an event, small unanswered questions, small problems in timing of differences in procedure from previous events of the same kind are all more than adequate to declare the "official" account clearly and definitively discredited. It goes without saying that it is not necessary to prove that these inconsistencies are either relevant, or that they even definitely exist.

9. Using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims. This argument invokes scandals like the Birmingham Six, the Bologna station bombings, the Zinoviev letter and so on in order to try and demonstrate that their conspiracy theory should be accorded some weight (because it's “happened before”.) They do not pause to reflect that the conspiracies they are touting are almost always far more unlikely and complicated than the real-life conspiracies with which they make comparison, or that the fact that something might potentially happen does not, in and of itself, make it anything other than extremely unlikely.

10. It's always a conspiracy. And it is, isn't it? No sooner has the body been discovered, the bomb gone off, than the same people are producing the same old stuff, demanding that there are questions which need to be answered, at the same unbearable length. Because the most important thing about these people is that they are people entirely lacking in discrimination. They cannot tell a good theory from a bad one, they cannot tell good evidence from bad evidence and they cannot tell a good source from a bad one. And for that reason, they always come up with the same answer when they ask the same question.

A person who always says the same thing, and says it over and over again is, of course, commonly considered to be, if not a monomaniac, then at very least, a bore.

Lol what a good read

old pothead

Well-Known Member
LOL,love the way you edited your post.There was no hatred in my post.You made a statement and i proved it wrong.You edited your post to cover your butt.That is not hate.OPH

grow space

Well-Known Member
yep, we need to use more hemp because it has the most stong fiber then any other tree or a plant.hemp products are more better than cotton because its more stronger and it last a lot longer.theres so many things we can use 4 hemp that i know.