Cloud City
New Member
Fuck the doctors. Any doctor who quits when health care passes will NOT be missed. If it was just all about the money then they were in it for the wrong reasons.
trust me no doctors is going to quit...the freakn poll was slanted...Fuck the doctors. Any doctor who quits when health care passes will NOT be missed. If it was just all about the money then they were in it for the wrong reasons.
A Zogby International poll shows that, when asked about specifics, likely voters hate Obamacare. Here are some highlights:70% disapprove of a law requiring people to buy health insurance.This is very bad news for the Democrats and their attempt to impose what they hilariously call “health care reform” on the country. As Jennifer Rubin puts it:
75% say taxes shouldn’t be raised to fund the public option.
78% favor tort reform to rein in frivolous medical lawsuits.
77% oppose taxing employer-provided health insurance benefits.
Likely voters seem to hate ObamaCare a lot more than do Americans generally (who may not even be registered to vote) … Any lawmaker whose seat is unsafe might want to mull that over.And it gets worse. There’s another important group that is not looking forward to “reform”: physicians. An IBD/TIPP poll finds that 45% of doctors would consider quitting if Obamacare becomes law:
Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted.Interesting that these independent polls seem to conflict with propaganda we have been getting from the White House, Congress, and most of the “news” media.
Fuck the doctors. Any doctor who quits when health care passes will NOT be missed. If it was just all about the money then they were in it for the wrong reasons.
What makes you think its all about money? I don't know what you do for a living, but I'm in a business that is under such government scrutiny it isn't funny. The amount of paperwork is stifling. I almost have to fill out a form to take a shit.
Project this medical care thing out into the future if it passes. Its already up to 2000 pages of legalize and bullshit. Think about it, man. The IRS code now stands at 66,000 pages ... and even the IRS employees don't understand it.
Just try to run a business, any business ... construction, real estate OR a medical business under this paperwork load and see how productive you will be. What will your payroll increase be? I mean, someone has to deal with the paperwork while you're still trying to be productive and continue on with giving excellent service, right?
Or perhaps you've never run a business, or owned a business, and are just talking out of your ass?![]()
Hey I'm a government contract worker ...only have to work about two months out of the year when they need me or my advice..The rest of the time I just seat around the house doing nothing being lazy uh oh I guess you right![]()
Well you have to like to drink coffee so you won't fall asleep''sleeping on the job is a no-noDamn I want a Government contract too!!!! Where do I sign up? I'm willing to fill out any papers or reports while I sit on my ass doing as little as possible day after day.
Who needs a survey or a poll? Just ask your personal doctor what he/she thinks. Like I said, seven out of the eight doctors at the lecture I went to said they would probably retire early. Who wants to be an economic slave ... even if it IS for the "common good?"
Option is the key word. Lack of understanding about this "option" is what is keeping it off the table. He is offering the "Option". Do you understand the word Option??Yes, the 63% represents what we have now.
the 10% is what's being offered by Obama.