The economy is booming!

Translation: I don't like it when I'm proven wrong, especially when it makes me look stupid.

You proved nothing like always. Didn't even see a citation. Show me where it benefited so greatly. Only if you hold your nose and disregard anything negative. Why is it that progressive states are so unaffordable? Not like costs get put on the consumers or anything. Does high property tax decrease rent in your world?
Found innocent? Ha okay. The same FBI that cleared Hillary, right? I knew bernman long before you started buying his canned shit pal.

Why not make it 50 an hour? College isn't for everyone and certainly shouldnt be subsidized by taxpayers. Have you seen the garbage they teach? All we need is more art majors to make the world a better place. Health care for all? Have you been to the DMV? I am in favor of free vaccines though and getting every child what they need to grow healthy and strong. Fix the open borders and we will talk about healtcareh but it certainly is not a human right like Bern states

i'll never change your mind; the voters will change the president.
@Fogdog You are not going to dictate shit to me and wont because I know your game sister. You don't listen to anything, you don't hear anything, your mind is made up on all matters so Im not going to waste more time than you are worth. I do like screwing with you though. SO carry on. What were you asking for again?

sounds familiar.
i'll never change your mind; the voters will change the president.

Do you know anything about Burlington College or just what you think you know? Do you think Jane deserved a golden parachute even though students were locked out just after paying their tuition for the semester? Or the state taxpayers paying for the students records so they could transfer? The whole mess was self inflicted because of her and the way the Sanders run shit. Family first always. Who owned the woodworking school?
And when your party loses in 2020, your party can leave the union like they did in 1861. right? Is that the plan? Better come up with one, because Democrats don't stand a chance. Mark my words.
Do you know anything about Burlington College or just what you think you know? Do you think Jane deserved a golden parachute even though students were locked out just after paying their tuition for the semester? Or the state taxpayers paying for the students records so they could transfer?
And when they don't, your party can leave the union like they did in 1861. right?

Geographically it is great, but politically it’s a fukin mess, government shutdown, orangutan for pres. surely Neanderthals had more intelligent leaders?

to make a great omelet, you have to break a few eggs.

trump will be long forgotten soon enough.
I don't know about New Zealand however Australia was a huge let down for me. If it is anything like that you can keep it.
i think australia is over-rated too.

north island of NZ was fantastic and the south island is supposed to be even better.

You are talking out your ass again. They said the same when Seattle enacted its $15 minimum wage law. None came to pass. Denmark has labor union negotiated $20 minimum wage. The economy of Denmark is doing just fine. Using the fast food index for comparison, the cost of a McD Big Mac is 50 cents higher in Denmark than here. US minimum wage is below the poverty level. Denmark pays a living wage and it's simply not the disaster you right wing dittoheads say. Fact is, Seattle is doing just fine. California and Oregon passed laws that progressively raise the minimum wage to $15/hr and businesses are doing just fine. Denmark is doing just fine too.
So is Australia, with similar minimum wage regulations in place.
Who the heck cares about Denmark? Lets gauge apples to penises while we are at it?
It's a country, fool. So is Australia.

Once you start complaining about apples to apples comparisons, you can be sure you've lost the argument.

What is the justification for not paying workers a living wage? You still haven't come up with one.