The Effects of Tripping

Once when smoking DMT, not a breakthrough hit but enough to alter perception and make my room come alive I activated my root chakra and pulled the energy to my knees and I activated my head chakras, not sure how many of mine open up to be useable but I started pulling that energy down to my knees (i have bad knee joints for some reason) and I kept it there cycling thru pulling new energy into my legs and knees and keeping old energy there. When my trip was done about 20 minutes later I felt on fire like so good you know? A ball of warmth and positive energy. I didn't have to wear my knee brace for almost a whole week!

I know exactly what it is capable of I just feel myself being too dissonant to be able to do anything consistently without a spiritual or shamanic guide
Once when smoking DMT, not a breakthrough hit but enough to alter perception and make my room come alive I activated my root chakra and pulled the energy to my knees and I activated my head chakras, not sure how many of mine open up to be useable but I started pulling that energy down to my knees (i have bad knee joints for some reason) and I kept it there cycling thru pulling new energy into my legs and knees and keeping old energy there. When my trip was done about 20 minutes later I felt on fire like so good you know? A ball of warmth and positive energy. I didn't have to wear my knee brace for almost a whole week!

I know exactly what it is capable of I just feel myself being too dissonant to be able to do anything consistently without a spiritual or shamanic guide
now THAT is cool. very interesting that powerful of a trip affected Your physical healthy in that quick of a manifestation. That is so beautiful beyond words. That is incredible. Do You remember YOUR intention going into the dmt trip??
My intention was to feel comfort to be able to embrace DMT because up to that point each of my trips had been with a certain anxiety like what the hell am I about to do to myself? I rolled a joint with .05 g of deem and had a buddy come and share with me. We both felt super amazing right after smoking and he left my room to go lie down. I remembered feeling pain from my legs and I KNEW that chakras could help. Like I said I don't have a proper instructor or anyone who can say to me stop! This is what you need to do. So I lay down and let deem take over. I felt it swarm over my entire body and spaceship like lights take over my room. I remember that since my legs hurt constantly I wanted to do something about it and I remember forcing myself to WANT more than just visuals so I tried to bottleneck the energy where I needed it
My intention was to feel comfort to be able to embrace DMT because up to that point each of my trips had been with a certain anxiety like what the hell am I about to do to myself? I rolled a joint with .05 g of deem and had a buddy come and share with me. We both felt super amazing right after smoking and he left my room to go lie down. I remembered feeling pain from my legs and I KNEW that chakras could help. Like I said I don't have a proper instructor or anyone who can say to me stop! This is what you need to do. So I lay down and let deem take over. I felt it swarm over my entire body and spaceship like lights take over my room. I remember that since my legs hurt constantly I wanted to do something about it and I remember forcing myself to WANT more than just visuals so I tried to bottleneck the energy where I needed it
that is amazing in so many different ways.
"energy flows where intention goes."

sounds like You are a Guru YOURSELF :)
within that trip, did You feel like Your intention was met???
My intention was beyond met bro I felt like a fully charged battery for days! As I was pulling my energy into my body where I wanted it to go I physically felt myself pulling and pushing something, even though I couldn't see it I could feel it
My intention was beyond met bro I felt like a fully charged battery for days! As I was pulling my energy into my body where I wanted it to go I physically felt myself pulling and pushing something, even though I couldn't see it I could feel it
that is benevolently beautiful.
have You tried doing that without the use of psychedelics. like yoga or meditation???
I can't keep myself focused enough. I try sometimes, but its easier if I smoke dmt or eat LSD or something, like I can stand on one foot on my toes with perfect balance and move my hands around and see my energies but only when tripping lol
My intention was beyond met bro I felt like a fully charged battery for days! As I was pulling my energy into my body where I wanted it to go I physically felt myself pulling and pushing something, even though I couldn't see it I could feel it
Psychedelics have a similar effect on me with boosting my other personal abilities.
Can't wait to drop 2 hits tonight. I'm doing it by myself looking for some deep spiritual insights. I still haven't watched the videos on the chakras I will watch them tonight for the first time while tripping. I will try to do a trip report here either while tripping (no gaurantees if I'm tripping hard) or after. First time in 8 years can't wait.
Can't wait to drop 2 hits tonight. I'm doing it by myself looking for some deep spiritual insights. I still haven't watched the videos on the chakras I will watch them tonight for the first time while tripping. I will try to do a trip report here either while tripping (no gaurantees if I'm tripping hard) or after. First time in 8 years can't wait.
this video right here will blow Your mind ^^^
I was a bit distracted last night but I still tried to meditate and have a purpose, this morning I felt really good and didn't wear a knee brace I don't feel as good as that one time I described but I feel really good tho. I just have to work more on the focus
Well that was intense, but the come down takes forever I've managed to get a couple hours of what I would call conscious sleep. Definitely still high I dropped at like 6:00 last night. Doing it alone for the first time there were definitely a few times when I thought they would lock me up and throw away the key, uncontrollably laughing at my self. Got some pretty good visuals for a while there. I wasn't able to watch the videos for some reason they won't load even on my laptop.

I did manage to come up with this one recurring insight, the universe is alive, we are alive, we are the living universe, life is energy, energy is life. Man was I ever connected last night. That's the best I can do with words to describe this realization.
I'm not high but still spaced out, my hand eye coordination takes a lot of focus, just typing this message takes a lot of focus. I'm getting little tremors through my body and the odd wave of energy in my face. I'm kinda on autopilot just sitting in my head watching the universe unfurl. But my movements are no where near as coordinated and graceful like when I'm sober I think it's cause space seems deeper and wider.