The end of apocalypse, illuminati and NWO ?

if you cherry pick information and strategically omit other information, you can make history say anything you want it to say and not technically be a fucking liar. technically.
the only thing that scares me about this thread is that there are a lot of websites with threads just like this, where people are serious, and no one is making jokes, they're all preparing for Armageddon......
I think there will not be any kind of armageddon, because only the devil claims that a
god ( him ) will come and help, i did read. Other predictions predicted the apocalypse, the uncovering of our god as the evil demon behind the world scenario, alias the devil himself.

Armageddon or apocalypse, only one not both will happen, i believe. Now we are in the middle of the apocalypse, maybe even the end. I don´t believe in a living god or his help, but i believe in help of any kind of jesus or gods, that should come after 3 1/2 years of big tribulation, alias the apocalypse.
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Sorry tl;dr but I get the jist of it all. I find this really interesting. Even though i don't believe it quite yet. I definitely believe there are a group of people (nwo, illuminati or whatever they actually call themselves), that are affecting world affairs negatively (to me at least). The entire world has been completely fucked and horrible since earliest human history. I don't think that it's over quite yet. That would be too good to be true. Give it another 100 years. 50 at the least, the light at the end of the tunnel is showing now but we're not there yet. I find it surprising yet sad that so many people on this site supports hate, bigotry, misogynistism, and a general lack of caring about our entire planet that we all live on.
who knows bro?...u may be right.
We can easily save the world, with our prayers...
I think prayer to a dead or evil god is the most useless thing we can do.
With prayer you can´t even save a single human.

We have a lot more to do than pray and believe, maybe kill the evil spirits and cruel serialkillers and worse.

I think prayer to a dead or evil god is the most useless thing we can do.
With prayer you can´t even save a single human.

We have a lot more to do than pray and believe, maybe kill the evil spirits and cruel serialkillers and worse.

Hey, you're preaching to the choir (so to speak). I don't believe in any of this supernatural garbage, because I'm an adult. My post was obviously in jest...
The west has forgoten this ......even india is a fool for drinkin coke n pepsi n killing themselves with mcdonalds....plse...lets combine e bestvof east n west.....combine both n mysticism...tham we become complete.