The end of the rope, the terrible choice


I suffer from clinical depression. I have chronic fatigue that causes me to stay in bed for upwards of 16-18 hours at a time. My mood swings and anxiety are so severe that without marijuana to inhibit and normalize my emotions I would cause serious damage to myself or my property. My normal life is just fluctuations between extreme anxiety, crushing depression, and blind rage.

That's why I started growing weed. Every time I can't control my emotions and I think I'm going to hurt or cut myself, a hit off the vape or a joint sends me right back into my happy place, and I am able to move on with my day. I have been on 8 different antidepressants, none of them have had a single positive affect, only negative side affects.

In 2009 I was arrested for growing 6 plants for my own consumption (I live in Texas.) The case was an ordeal that lasted almost a year and almost drove me to suicide. How can I do community service when my depression barely lets me go to school? When I can't even hold a job because I can't wake up until 5pm? Since then I have spent thousands of dollars on weed before finally starting up a new grow; realizing that I cannot live without it, but can't afford it.

Three days ago I received notice that there is a warrant out for my arrest. When I was arrested and charged with possession in 2009, I was also given a citation for drug paraphernalia that was never brought to my attention, and apparently my lawyer never handled it either. I owe $564 for failure to appear and bail jumping. I can be arrested at home, work, or school.

I drove to my lawyer's office, and he wasn't there. I called the school health clinic to schedule an appointment and they're busy. I broke down on the way home realizing I was alone.

I now look at what may very well be my last sane, controllable moments before the end. Between my medication, school, weed, and living expenses, I have no money left. In my grinder is .2 grams of the remaining marijuana I can get. Enough to keep me high for about an hour. Since receiving notice of my warrant my depression has progressed further than I could imagine. I haven't left the house or eaten in 3 days until this morning. My mind feels like it's in a cloud or a dream, like I've lost grasp on what's real anymore and what's not. I woke up today not knowing if it was morning or evening.

What absolutely kills me is that this .2 grams I've smoked could very well be the difference between me seeing my next birthday or being found next week in my bed with a plastic bag duct taped over my head. I feel calmer, my thinking is clearer, I feel like I will actually survive today. But in 1 hour once that high disappears I know what is coming. It's the anguish I felt on the drive home this morning. That nagging feeling in the back of my head looking at the knife on the kitchen counter, knowing that it could be hours before I'm running it along my legs, trying to distract myself from the debilitating emotional pain with physical.

The worst of it is that today I feel I have finally lost faith, and given up. Like most Americans, I wanted to believe that logic, reason, and common sense would prevail in all things. But as has been said so many times before, one need look no further than the marijuana prohibition beginning all the way back in 1937 to know that nothing makes fucking sense anymore.

That someone like myself whose medical condition permits me barely any recognizable form of a normal life; someone whose quality of life is measured in the number of suicidal thoughts in an hour; who is afraid to sleep because of night terrors; afraid to leave bed because there isn't a point to live; who has watched every academic, career, and romantic dream in their life shattered; who already knows the only thing to look forward to is a life of empty goals and regret; that someone like ME can be punished for simply trying to stay alive? For trying to enjoy some sort of quality of life that isn't so unbearable I'd rather terminate my entire existence than suffer another second of hell? This goes against every moral fiber of my being. I cannot accept the fact that I live in a society so cold and callous that it would shamelessly and unabashedly inflict pain, pain so intense and inescapable that suicide is the only reasonable choice in a person's mind, and yet here I am.

Broke from my disease, broke from my state, broke from my country. And still they want more. And I find that I am left with a terrible choice. I either pay the court, go without weed and eventually kill myself; or I can buy more weed to prolong my life until I'm eventually arrested at which point my life will officially be over, leaving me with no choice but to kill myself anyway as soon as I'm released.

All roads lead to the same path. I feel as if the courts are backing me into a corner, giving me no alternative but to kill myself like it's some sort of sick state sanctioned execution. And the worst thing is I want it. I would rather take the fucking duct tape and plastic bag over the choices I'm being presented by my government, a body that is supposed to be representative of its constituents like ME. Fuck protest, fuck martyrdom, fuck making a point. The fact that someone in my condition is being treated the way they are is a significant indication that something is WRONG. I am LITERALLY DYING, my depression is reaching a severity where it soon may become TERMINAL. And the harbinger of my pain and suffering are the laws and policies set forth by this state, put in place to PROTECT ME!

I give up. The fucking end of the rope.

William B. Travis, the Texas commander at the Alamo, signed his letters, "Victory or Death!" I believe I speak for medical cannabis patients across the world when I proclaim:


Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that man hope everything works out.
I thought this was another attention seeking, feel bad for me thread.
Its not how you fall, Its if you get back up.
and I know this will sound really stupid but on the Office the other night Micheal Scott said something that I really
Liked. He said " Listen to your fans not your critics." I know it may not apply here but I like it.


Well-Known Member
I truly hope you can pull through... you need to move to a medical state.... I don't kno wwhat more I can say....

to the person who didn't read above: this is a very intense story, its not some stoner garble....


Active Member
Start with where you are and find one thing you can be grateful for, and then add to that, one additional thing at time.



Well-Known Member
There is always light at the end of the tunnel my friend , I,d come over and smoke with you if I was there , head north to Colorado all stoners and patients alike are welcome here .


Well-Known Member
Society is neither right or wrong most of the time; it is just a force of nature, like the storms and sunshine. I know it feels very personal, but what is legally happening to you is the result of 300 million people pulling in different directions. They don't know you, and none of the legal issues you are managing were written with you in mind.

You have a very complicated situation you are trying to work with, and it is important not to tangle the different problems together. The first issue, the one that is most immediate it LEGAL. You must work to put aside the other stuff for now and focus on the legal stuff. You need to speak with a lawyer-- I know he/she wasn't in the office when you went looking last time, but getting a meeting with your lawyer is your next step. I don't think you should make any decisions until you have done that.

Once you have spoken with the lawyer, and asked the questions you need to ask, you will need to make some big decisions. Explain the situation fully to the lawyer, and go over all of your options: turn yourself in, skip out of the state, check into a medical institution, etc.

Come back to this site if you want to talk some stuff out. But first, talk with your lawyer.


Active Member
just curious to how you ended up caught growing six plants. It will work out man, IVE been in a worse off situation.


bud bootlegger
although all the legal crap is really worrying you, its nothing to get yourself all worked up over.. its a simple misdemeanor paraphenalia charge.. even if they do come and arrest you for it, i'm sure that all you would have to do is make some kind of payment system and they would be more than happy to let you go on with your life.. you just need to talk to your lawyer.. call them till you get ahold of some one..
and if you don't feel like you can make it that far, drive yourself straight to the er, they can help you out..


Well-Known Member
Fuck man I am truly sorry about your situation. But I know that even though you feel alone Dont forget that there are millions and millions of people on your side.

Just remember that just because you cant think of a solution to your problem right now dosent mean there isnt one.

Hang in there man!

btw How did you get caught?? (this might help prevent someone else from being busted)


Well-Known Member
im not sure if i should say this, but i know what i would do and it would involve guns, narcs, and gang drug dealers, but im declared legally insane by the state of florida lifestreams medical rehab center for my behavior in the past. dont worry it was mostly influenced behavior and a drive for dominance. i mean i prob really would load up flaws medicate on my ipod, reload my xd's with steel jackets and go hunting for, well i know alot of fucked up dealers who personally i feel should not exist. you see i have some of these same issues as you just not anywhere near as severe. my mind throws in manic disorder therefore making it a form of bipolar, i just call it a short fuse and rush of adrenaline. today im feeling manic, which i oddly am liking cause the last few weeks were insanely depressing. it somehow made me stop drinking so much. blah blah,, im done.


Well-Known Member
You doing alright Beelzbub? That some serious stuff man and you have got some of us worried about you man . Give us a post or something .


New Member
I suffer from clinical depression. I have chronic fatigue that causes me to stay in bed for upwards of 16-18 hours at a time. My mood swings and anxiety are so severe that without marijuana to inhibit and normalize my emotions I would cause serious damage to myself or my property. My normal life is just fluctuations between extreme anxiety, crushing depression, and blind rage.

That's why I started growing weed. Every time I can't control my emotions and I think I'm going to hurt or cut myself, a hit off the vape or a joint sends me right back into my happy place, and I am able to move on with my day. I have been on 8 different antidepressants, none of them have had a single positive affect, only negative side affects.

In 2009 I was arrested for growing 6 plants for my own consumption (I live in Texas.) The case was an ordeal that lasted almost a year and almost drove me to suicide. How can I do community service when my depression barely lets me go to school? When I can't even hold a job because I can't wake up until 5pm? Since then I have spent thousands of dollars on weed before finally starting up a new grow; realizing that I cannot live without it, but can't afford it.

Three days ago I received notice that there is a warrant out for my arrest. When I was arrested and charged with possession in 2009, I was also given a citation for drug paraphernalia that was never brought to my attention, and apparently my lawyer never handled it either. I owe $564 for failure to appear and bail jumping. I can be arrested at home, work, or school.

I drove to my lawyer's office, and he wasn't there. I called the school health clinic to schedule an appointment and they're busy. I broke down on the way home realizing I was alone.

I now look at what may very well be my last sane, controllable moments before the end. Between my medication, school, weed, and living expenses, I have no money left. In my grinder is .2 grams of the remaining marijuana I can get. Enough to keep me high for about an hour. Since receiving notice of my warrant my depression has progressed further than I could imagine. I haven't left the house or eaten in 3 days until this morning. My mind feels like it's in a cloud or a dream, like I've lost grasp on what's real anymore and what's not. I woke up today not knowing if it was morning or evening.

What absolutely kills me is that this .2 grams I've smoked could very well be the difference between me seeing my next birthday or being found next week in my bed with a plastic bag duct taped over my head. I feel calmer, my thinking is clearer, I feel like I will actually survive today. But in 1 hour once that high disappears I know what is coming. It's the anguish I felt on the drive home this morning. That nagging feeling in the back of my head looking at the knife on the kitchen counter, knowing that it could be hours before I'm running it along my legs, trying to distract myself from the debilitating emotional pain with physical.

The worst of it is that today I feel I have finally lost faith, and given up. Like most Americans, I wanted to believe that logic, reason, and common sense would prevail in all things. But as has been said so many times before, one need look no further than the marijuana prohibition beginning all the way back in 1937 to know that nothing makes fucking sense anymore.

That someone like myself whose medical condition permits me barely any recognizable form of a normal life; someone whose quality of life is measured in the number of suicidal thoughts in an hour; who is afraid to sleep because of night terrors; afraid to leave bed because there isn't a point to live; who has watched every academic, career, and romantic dream in their life shattered; who already knows the only thing to look forward to is a life of empty goals and regret; that someone like ME can be punished for simply trying to stay alive? For trying to enjoy some sort of quality of life that isn't so unbearable I'd rather terminate my entire existence than suffer another second of hell? This goes against every moral fiber of my being. I cannot accept the fact that I live in a society so cold and callous that it would shamelessly and unabashedly inflict pain, pain so intense and inescapable that suicide is the only reasonable choice in a person's mind, and yet here I am.

Broke from my disease, broke from my state, broke from my country. And still they want more. And I find that I am left with a terrible choice. I either pay the court, go without weed and eventually kill myself; or I can buy more weed to prolong my life until I'm eventually arrested at which point my life will officially be over, leaving me with no choice but to kill myself anyway as soon as I'm released.

All roads lead to the same path. I feel as if the courts are backing me into a corner, giving me no alternative but to kill myself like it's some sort of sick state sanctioned execution. And the worst thing is I want it. I would rather take the fucking duct tape and plastic bag over the choices I'm being presented by my government, a body that is supposed to be representative of its constituents like ME. Fuck protest, fuck martyrdom, fuck making a point. The fact that someone in my condition is being treated the way they are is a significant indication that something is WRONG. I am LITERALLY DYING, my depression is reaching a severity where it soon may become TERMINAL. And the harbinger of my pain and suffering are the laws and policies set forth by this state, put in place to PROTECT ME!

I give up. The fucking end of the rope.

William B. Travis, the Texas commander at the Alamo, signed his letters, "Victory or Death!" I believe I speak for medical cannabis patients across the world when I proclaim:


You need help man....I dont say this to be rude or troll you I just don't wanna hear you did something stupid....please get the help you need man...
Get your weed. Talk to the judge and work out a payment plan. Find someone to talk to.

Or just say fuck it and run away to mexico.

I hope you get to feeling better.


Well-Known Member
Broke from my disease, broke from my state, broke from my country. And still they want more. And I find that I am left with a terrible choice. I either pay the court, go without weed and eventually kill myself; or I can buy more weed to prolong my life until I'm eventually arrested at which point my life will officially be over, leaving me with no choice but to kill myself anyway as soon as I'm released.

All roads lead to the same path. I feel as if the courts are backing me into a corner, giving me no alternative but to kill myself like it's some sort of sick state sanctioned execution. And the worst thing is I want it. I would rather take the fucking duct tape and plastic bag over the choices I'm being presented by my government, a body that is supposed to be representative of its constituents like ME. Fuck protest, fuck martyrdom, fuck making a point. The fact that someone in my condition is being treated the way they are is a significant indication that something is WRONG. I am LITERALLY DYING, my depression is reaching a severity where it soon may become TERMINAL. And the harbinger of my pain and suffering are the laws and policies set forth by this state, put in place to PROTECT ME!

I give up. The fucking end of the rope.

William B. Travis, the Texas commander at the Alamo, signed his letters, "Victory or Death!" I believe I speak for medical cannabis patients across the world when I proclaim:

Dude i think you may be possessed? Try praying to god to expell demonic influence from you.