the end

I'm new - I like it here. I'm sure it's different than the "way it used to be". But...I don't know any different - and I like it!

Some people on here are gonna be dicks.

Some people are going to be annoying as fuck.

Some people are going to be awesome...

Not fun enough on here anymore? Stop your fucking crying and say something funny...

Less this:
View attachment 3253280 View attachment 3253281

More this:

View attachment 3253291 View attachment 3253292

I wasn't whining

Just manly complaints

Lol im staying here till the end like I was saying

I just made this thread to point out that this site has kinda gone downhill
i wonder who's doing that ?
Is it YOU?

Here is a little test. Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the best way to mend a broken heart?
2. "A Whale's Vagina" makes you think of what movie?
3. Do you want a cup of tea?

After you answer these questions, I have devised a series of tasks, each more diabolical than the next...

Until that time:

Fuck off @mainliner