The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars

The cars will join up with each other, inches in between each other not feet. Better wind resistance etc..... conserving fuel. Computers never get tired etc...... I'm betting we won't own cars they will become public utilities. You will just call a car when you need one and it will show up. I can't wait. I hope I live long enough to see it.
Fuck that, I'll never give up my car. The day private vehicle ownership is outlawed is the day I drive thru the state house. I don't want anyone having any control over my vehicle. There's already a couple cases where people belive cars were hacked to kill someone.
I didn't watch the video but I can't wait til driverless cars are abundant.. The new Tesla has one free month driverless included in their new line..they are already available to purchase.. Fuck these thirsty ass cops getting by on DUI and traffic violations...this is actually a great thing.
I didn't watch the video but I can't wait til driverless cars are abundant.. The new Tesla has one free month driverless included in their new line..they are already available to purchase.. Fuck these thirsty ass cops getting by on DUI and traffic violations...this is actually a great thing.
There's things called buses, trains, and taxis. Unless your a raging alcoholic, I don't think buying a self driving cat for duI avoidance is economically prudent.
Nearly all near cars have black-boxes that record data . do we have 'control' over that information?
That a good question, I know I've heard where the State needed a warrant to get the info from the computer. I don't know the circumstances, probably only if you own the car outright. There's probably a way to hook up a laptop and wipe it. Just drive old stuff and keep fixing it.
There's things called buses, trains, and taxis. Unless your a raging alcoholic, I don't think buying a self driving cat for duI avoidance is economically prudent.

Buses..trains n taxis lol... Ever use em? I have and buses don't run everywhere. They smell and they're slow as hell and rarely on schedule..taxis are a god damn fortune and they smell too.. Trains are very nice but pricey n don't run everywhere. Imagine a personal chauffeur.. That's a driverless car.. I got a DUI 18 years ago and it cost 3k... I wasn't even above .10 but I was under 21 and had a truck on lake shore drive.. I've probably gotten 2k in tickets in the last 5 years for red light cams or school zone speeding ( huge scam in Chicago). From these greedy fucks..I can't wait for my driverless car..crank up the radio n fire up a fatty n tell him where to take me.
The cars will join up with each other, inches in between each other not feet. Better wind resistance etc..... conserving fuel. Computers never get tired etc...... I'm betting we won't own cars they will become public utilities. You will just call a car when you need one and it will show up. I can't wait. I hope I live long enough to see it.
great idea. I also read where car insurance will get cheaper. I also hope I live long enough to see guess is it'll be common place in about 15 years
The cars will join up with each other, inches in between each other not feet. Better wind resistance etc..... conserving fuel. Computers never get tired etc...... I'm betting we won't own cars they will become public utilities. You will just call a car when you need one and it will show up. I can't wait. I hope I live long enough to see it.
like in hot tub time machine 2. then they'll kill you for insulting them....
Fuck it, drive me around. I look forward to the day when all cars are self driven. Too many dumb shits on this planet in cars. It'll take some time to get this shit right though, and it will be interesting to see the mishaps that will happen when the computers fail or there's a programming error.

There's bound to be a grandma driving 120 off a bridge or a guy asleep who gets driven into a wall, shits going to be crazy.

I for one fear the idea of government owning the cars or something like that. Just seems like one more thing of personal space that will be destroyed. Black box in my car, wtf? Theres an obvious inverse relationship between technology and privacy. No me gusta.
Fuck it, drive me around. I look forward to the day when all cars are self driven. Too many dumb shits on this planet in cars. It'll take some time to get this shit right though, and it will be interesting to see the mishaps that will happen when the computers fail or there's a programming error.

There's bound to be a grandma driving 120 off a bridge or a guy asleep who gets driven into a wall, shits going to be crazy.

I for one fear the idea of government owning the cars or something like that. Just seems like one more thing of personal space that will be destroyed. Black box in my car, wtf? Theres an obvious inverse relationship between technology and privacy. No me gusta.

I believe that the law is, or will soon be, that the occupant of a self navigating vehicle has to be capable of legally driving the vehicle manually, in the event of an emergency or malfunction.

Cool tool, but I will stick to my 92 Dodge truck. For now.....
Fuck it, drive me around. I look forward to the day when all cars are self driven. Too many dumb shits on this planet in cars. It'll take some time to get this shit right though, and it will be interesting to see the mishaps that will happen when the computers fail or there's a programming error.

There's bound to be a grandma driving 120 off a bridge or a guy asleep who gets driven into a wall, shits going to be crazy.

I for one fear the idea of government owning the cars or something like that. Just seems like one more thing of personal space that will be destroyed. Black box in my car, wtf? Theres an obvious inverse relationship between technology and privacy. No me gusta.
Yeah working out the kinks promises to be interesting.
Im pretty sure the kinks are already worked out, Google has millions of miles on the road over the last 5 years in several cities..I believe only one accident and a bus hit the car and the bus driver was @ fault.
Not entirely. As every car is slowly swapped over cars are going to have to have a swarm technology and then there will be hacking incidents etc.... as the technology evolves. So the order of magnitude difficulty between driving a fleet VS a single car to leverage the benefit will still have some issues to work out.

But any sufficiently worthwhile technology does. When I started flying our auto pilot system was pretty primitive (unless you were military). I remember the work involved shooting a GCA (ground controlled approach) at El Toro (the only field with GCA capability close). Now planes can land themselves, pretty much anywhere, amazing and worthwhile.
I didn't see, but half of the people I see driving got one eye on their phone and the other on the road.. There are so many drivers on the roads that just suck.
A good friend has wrecked 3 cars in 2 years because of fucking with his phone while driving. Last time I rode with him I told him never again, he spent more time texting them looking at the road, I ended up taking his phone from him. Luckily? he just lost his license because of the last accident. .now he's thinking he needs to pay more attention.
great idea. I also read where car insurance will get cheaper. I also hope I live long enough to see guess is it'll be common place in about 15 years

They also said insurance rates would decline when the seatbelt rule was enacted and when airbags were put in vehicles. Less money for anything isn't the American way. They know that just like new phones many people will run out and purchase one just to be the first schmuck in their neighborhood to have one. There's already to many driverless cars out there now. I saw one this morning that couldn't even back out of their own driveway without backing into the ditch....not just one wheel the whole Damn car . I think they need to work on pilotless planes first because I quit flying years ago !