The "Explain your name" thread


Well-Known Member
kh is initials and o20 is what me and my buddies used to say when we'd wanna smoke lol lame i kno

Sittin On A Cloud

Well-Known Member
Well my friend and i were in my car driving around and smoking his freshly cured ice and I felt like i was sitting on a cloud. Simple as that


Well-Known Member
can totally relate .... I am particularly taken to my time spent on the top of mountains ..... my most favorite place in the world bar NONE ..... looking down on the world below .... and pushing the limits of imaginary contexts atb the cliff edge ... what a fukin rush!
Well my friend and i were in my car driving around and smoking his freshly cured ice and I felt like i was sitting on a cloud. Simple as that



Well-Known Member
wow i wish i had mountains like that to look at every day damn the plains lol at least i got a lake tho


Well-Known Member
thats all I can ask for.... the truth. :peace:
i usually use a longer screen name to more accurately convey my 'forward face' or ultimate purpose. Consisting of a reference to three different things; sorcery, gambling, and the color gray.

I read (past-tense) too much Carlos Castaneda... and now i am struggling to hold one hand to the dark and the other to the light, to pierce the veil that separates life from death, past from present, and to Gamble my resources toward the attainment of immortality. And bending the world a little bit. While growing weed. :D

"Life is the only worthwhile Challenge, Death is the only worthwhile Opponent." Reality is just a shared memory.

thanks for that video of the man from Texas, btw, that hits pretty close to home.
Pretty self-explanitory, I smoke piranha plants out of a bong while I save my gf from some overgrown reptile. I get so blazed that I think eating mushrooms make me double in size. Don't even get me started on the raccoon suit...


Well-Known Member
i couldn't think of a name, and i was wondering, what will this forum help me with... growing chronic..... and then igrowchronic was born.