The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
JN! just got a new memory card and dropped some new piks in my grow journals, lemme know wat u think dood?:-P


Well-Known Member
Hey check on craiglist for dehumidifiers, A good new one can cost anywhere from 150-200$ but you can usually find used ones in great condition on craigslist for about 50$ at least in my area. And don't plug it in on the same line as your lights.


Well-Known Member
Hey check on craiglist for dehumidifiers, A good new one can cost anywhere from 150-200$ but you can usually find used ones in great condition on craigslist for about 50$ at least in my area. And don't plug it in on the same line as your lights.
yea ill prob. just steal one from my parents next time im over... This will be my last grow in this apartment so Im not too concerned about it.. Only 5 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
Yeah get the one from your parents, if its high enough humidity to get mold on your walls, its high enough humidity to get mold in your buds.


Well-Known Member
The La Con is taking forever. I had a regular non-skunk LA that finished in 9. I got pollen from one of the males and have a lil breeding project goin on. The LA-Skunk, has some spiraly buds. Gonna make a difficult trim job...


Well-Known Member
yea man, i have no idea whats what anymore. I know maybe 3 of the 8... sitting in forensics learning about DNA as we speak..


Well-Known Member
I feel u! Like the RZA said " buy the Wu-Tang double CD, thats all the education u need this summer"


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ hehe. I got about 3 dust collector books, i use them for raising my small plants, closer to the lights!