It is only going to be an issue if you are doing organics in the soil instead of feeding a lot bottled stuff. If you are feeding a lot of stuff you probably wont even notice, especially if your using other mineral based nutrients. But if your mostly just giving water and relying on the organics in the soil then use some of the Plus version will kill a lot of your micro-life. There is a large posting on Skunk Magazine's forum too...but of course that kind of biased because the guy whole wrote the article (The Rev) is the same one who started the thread.
Yeah but anyway I started using it and some bud candy only with fresh soil starting a bud cycle and started having tons of blemishes on the fan leaves. I was like "WTF" and figured the bud candy was the culprit...maybe giving too many micros...but then read that article and it seems to have explained my exact situation.
I hear ya guys "Don't believe everything ya read" but I think there is some validity to this. Calmag Plus has EDTA in it, which a lot of mineral ("chemical") based nutrients have. btw - Both Fox Farm's Grow Big and Tiger Bloom have a few ETDA's in there too. I did a few searches on "EDTA" and there seems to be controversy if it should be in our food supply. Anywho, everyone do what they want in their on grow rooms, I was only try to help a little since I noticed organic soil was being used.