meet justin ladd.
this man has "white power" tattooed across his stomach and abused the shit out of his stepdaughters because they were latina.
i literally have 3,397 more of these from the last 10 years alone in only the united states.
3000+ instances of shit like this this from white supremacists alone in the last 10 years.
what the hell is wrong with these people?
so, youre argument is that because this dipshit had "white power" scribbled in bad calligraphy across his beer gut, that he is in fact a "white power face" (lulz) and by extension speaks for all other "white power" numbskulls, yet also, through the magic of bucklefucklsm, and fallacy you can then use this mouthbreather as a tool for Guilt By Association with anyone else you deem a "racist" (which seems to be almost everyone these days)
couple problems there lil shaver.
1: he "abused" his stepdaughters "because they were "latina"" (doublequote engaged)
from this we must assume that he was married to somebody, and that somebody was A) a chicano woman, or B) a white woman who had been previously intimate with a chicano man sufficiently often to produce at least 2 offspring.
thats not very "White Power" is it?
either he is involved in miscegenation himself, or he is a miscegenator in-law through marriage to a miscegenatrix.
im no expert, not being a "White Power" frootloop myself, but i have learned, through following your graciously supplied (and numerous) links to stormfront, that neither option is "White Power" approved.
2: you save images and stories of "White Power" assclowns, and by your own admission your collection is up to 3,399 individual instances of "Whitepowerism" at work?
why would anyone do this unless they have some kind of creepy sexual fixation involving "White Power" fucknuts and their idiotic shenanigans?
i think it's time for you to seek professional help for this disturbing and potentially life-destroying sexual deviance.
do you crouch in the dark jacking off as a slideshow of "White Power Faces" slowly passes before your avaricious gaze?
do you have a waifu bodypillow or love doll with interchangeable "White Power Faces" so you can cycle through your entire imaginary harem of "White Power" love bunnies?
did you make your old lady dress up in a gravy stained wifebeater, apply fake 3 day stubble to her face, and have her say racist slogans while you did your filthy business?
the mind boggles.
3: we know whats wrong with "White Power" retards, they have shit for brains, what we should be asking is what in the 12 hells is wrong with YOU????
when nobody on this forum (except bigoted'n'bushy of course) is making exploitable statements for you to feign outrage over, you import selections from you personal collection of "White Power Faces" to gush over so you can get your "That's Racist!!" rocks off?
that's super creepy.