Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
when you stretch out the tiny, 10,000 year period on this:
to a different x-axis (10k years instead of 800K+ years), it looks smoother. like this.
and if you narrow that graph even further and smooth it, you get this.
note that years before present are rearranged. this should help you in understanding that yo uare saying exactly what i am saying.
just because you are an idiot does not make the graph fake. you are simply too retarded to understand graphs or exponents apparently.
graph 1: specious and irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
graph 2: your usual brand of bullshit.
graph 3: NOT "narrowed"
my graph from noaa covers EXACTLY THE SAME TIME SCALE, (to whit: 10,000 years) as yours.
your skeptical science graph bears no relation to the one from noaa, and yet purports to be based on noaa's numbers.
it's still bullshit.
and since i have demonstrated this many times before, yet you STILL trotted out the skeptical science graph, that would be a LIE.
also, werent you explaining how the IPCC's own numbers are somehow fraudulent? where did that go?